Chapter 6

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The drive to Viola wasn't far. Maybe only 15 minutes or something. Luke wanted to stop by a 7-11 and buy me a bouquet of roses. We were sat at a table outside and we just talked, really.

"I was thinking maybe after we eat we could go to the park down the street", Luke offered.

I smiled. "Sounds like a date".

Luke was actually the first boy I've ever gone out with. I'm probably not the first for Luke, but who knows.

When the waiter came with our food, Luke offered some of his Filet Mignon but I just stuck with my shrimp scampi. It was really good. The shrimp was dipped in oil then roasted perfectly.

Luke's steak was the size of a Petri dish, but you know fancy restaurants can be pretty portion conserving...

After lunch, Luke and I walked to the park and we say on the grass in front of the big lake. Luke told me the lake had alligators so we should keep our distance from the sawgrass.

Luke looked at me and smiled. He did the classic yawn and hold me type of thing. So for the rest of the afternoon we just looked at the sunset in peace.

"Hey it's getting kind of late", Luke said.

"Yea I guess I'll just go pack up my-"

"Oh hell no", Luke said. "No way in hell am I letting you stay there another night. Not with that abusive aunt".

I smiled. "Well then can I at least get the rest of my stuff?"

"I don't know. It seems risky.", Luke said. I could tell he looked hesitant. "Ok but I'm coming with you".

So we drove to my house and it was work hours for my aunt, so she wasn't home. I went upstairs, while Luke kept watch from his car, and I put the remainder of my important belongings in my suitcase. I then climbed down the ladder, and kissed my home goodbye.

Luke helped me haul my suitcase into the trunk of his car, and we drove off. I won't miss my aunt Zoe and I won't miss my scars either.

"What'll your parents say when your girlfriend lives with you", I asked.

"Eh. They're not home much so they won't really care", he said.

We drove back to Luke's and by now it was 4pm. I said I would make us some dinner or something and he volunteered to help, but I told him he needed to just rest. He kissed me on my cheek.

I found some romaine hearts in the fridge, carrots, Italian dressing, tomatoes, and onions, so I decided to make us a salad. I got a cutting board and started to chop up the salad. I tried to make it look nice, too. Luke didn't have the giant tomatoes, he had the bell tomatoes, though, so I just added those.

"Luke? Dinners ready", I said, 30 minutes later.

Luke came down the stairs in his pajamas and he was holding a box. He handed me the box.

"What's this?", I asked.

"A gift. I managed to pick this up at Aeropostale the other day", Luke smiled.

I looked at Luke then started to open the box. It was a shirt that had TFIOS logo, the black and white cloud on blue that said 'Okay? Okay.'. I don't know how Luke managed to find this but all I knew was I loved it.

I gasped. "Thank you so much, Luke!". I have Luke a hug and smiled. "I made us a salad".

Luke smiled and started to get me some salad and then helped himself to whatever was left.

"Wow this salad is great", Luke said happily. I blushed.

After the salad, Luke did the dishes while I went upstairs to the bathroom.

I remove my makeup and went into the shower. I used Luke's Axe Shampoo + Conditioner. When I got out I washed my face, and removed any leftover makeup. I then got into my big CMA tee and my leggings.

When I walked into Luke's room it was already 7pm and tomorrow was a Sunday. I didn't think Luke went to church, but if he did I had a dress, anywho.

Luke had his pajamas on, the big California state on it with the words CALIFORNIA on it and just some baggy plaid pajama pants.

I yawned and Luke yawned too. We were both really tired. Luke started getting into bed and so did I. He cuddled me and we fell asleep with the tv on. Luke kissed me and said goodnight.

It was 1am when we woke up with a loud gunshot. I woke up Luke.

"Luke", I said, "Luke someone has a gun".

"What?", Luke asked. Another gunshot fired followed by 2 more.

"Hide", Luke whispered.

"But Luke what about y-"

"Brooke, if I die I want to die saving the one I love.", Luke said, "now hide".

Luke pulled out a big knife from under his armoire. He started going downstairs and I couldn't help but follow him. When Luke started to go outside, I checked under his armoire for another weapon. I found another knife under his armoire.

"Those knife throwing lessons payed off", I whispered to myself. I heard another gunshot.

I sneaked out at the foot of the staircase and closed the knife in the case then put it in my pocket, unseen. I saw Luke, looking around with his machete in tact.

I dialed 911 and reported the gunshots to the police. I then hung up the phone and went into the bathroom.

"Brooke, run!", Luke screamed from downstairs.

I hid in the corner of the bathroom until a big scary man in a ski mask came in.

"I found her", he called. His two other friends came in. They both had ski masks on.

"Where's Luke?", I asked.

"Downstairs", the man said, smirking. He looked down stairs, "bring him up here".

"Don't move", one of them said, loading the gun.

One of the guys came in, with Luke tied at his wrists, and sat him down on the bathroom floor.

"Stop", Luke said, "let her go".

"I don't think so", the man said laughing. He loaded the gun and started to point it at me.

"Stop!", Luke screamed, "take me".

"Luke don't do"-

"Shh", the man directed me, "we have a volunteer".

The other two men went downstairs while the main guy held a gun at Luke's head.

Luke looked at me and smiled.

"I love you", Luke mouthed.

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