15. Meet My Boyfriend

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"Who is your favorite YouTuber besides yourself? Love you xoxo! From @blossom_fanaccount; Besides myself, I'd have to say Mady Vivian you should go subscribe." I say to the camera and glance over to see Daniel standing at the door.

"Do you get paid for being a youtuber? From @makayla.rn; Not yet, but I don't really care because this is something I enjoy doing. If I ever do end up getting paid money then I'll let you know, but as of the moment no." I gesture to Daniel that it's almost time for him to come in and he nods.

"Okay next question, this one is from @queenxbee. It asks 'do you have a boyfriend? (you probably do because you're pretty)' thank you for the compliment and yes I do have a boyfriend and you are about to meet him!" I say standing up to turn off the camera.

"Daniel, are you ready?" I ask him before turning the camera back on.

"I hope so," he responds, coming over and sitting on the couch in our home office. I turn on the camera again and sit down on the couch beside Daniel.

"So, this is the big reveal of my boyfriend. Do you want to introduce yourself?" I say looking hopeful at Daniel. He says nothing. "Daniel," I nudge him.

"Oh, hi. I'm Daniel." He turns to me, "How many people will be watching this?" he whispers.

"Only about 900 or so, I'm not big yet," I whisper back. He sits there, almost frozen.

"Not a lot of people from our school watch my videos, though, so it's all right." he exhales and relaxes more. I continue on with the video and Daniel seems to open up more as the video goes on. I explain how we met and how we started talking to each other. By the end of the video, I had told them that I plan to do a boyfriend tag. After the video, I thank Daniel for doing this video with me. We chat for a little longer before he heads home.

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