1. The Girl

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"Bye, see you tomorrow!" I say excitedly, waiting to see my boyfriend again tomorrow.

"Bye," he says, giving me a hug before turning the opposite way towards his house. I walk away towards my house. When I see my little sister waiting for me on the porch I run over and scoop her into my arms.

"How was your day?" I ask her, setting her down onto the porch again.

"It was great! We went home at lunchtime!" She responds as I open the door to the house and we step inside.

"Hey, sweetie. How was your day?" My mom says, not looking up from her computer.

"Good, I guess," I say with a tired look spread across my face.

"Hey, also I have some news for you," my mother says, "one of our neighbors' houses is on the market, I suspect someone will be moving in soon."

"Oh, cool, can't wait to meet them," I say turning to head off to my bedroom where my dad has been hard at work.

"Hey princess, how does it look?" My dad says, referring to the walls of my bedroom.

"They look amazing! It's the perfect shade of lilac." I say going over to my sweaty dad and giving him a hug.

"Don't you have a football game to cheer at? Not that I want to get rid of you, I love you dearly."

"I know you don't want to get rid of me," I say laughing, "but, yes, I do have a game to cheer at. Speaking of which, I should probably head out soon. "

I drive off to the game and the song '7 rings' comes on the radio. I know my family doesn't approve of most of the language in the song so I change the radio station when it gets to a bad word before I hear it. Once I park, I check in the car mirror and see that I forgot to put on my cheer bow. Knowing that we always need to wear our cheer bows, I keep one in the car just in case I forget. I rush to put the bow over my ponytail and adjust it so it looks perfect. Then, I get out of the car and shut the door gently. Just as I do so, my friends, that are also cheerleaders, pull up and slam their car doors. All of the cheerleaders are older than me because I'm just too good for them not to accept me as a cheerleader.

"Oh, hey Blossom," One of them, Amber, says.

Another cheerleader, Kiara, says, "Ready for the game?"

"Definitely," I say and do my special handshake with Kiara.

"What?! I don't get to do a handshake with you!" Amber says, who always comments on everything I seem to do.

"You never made one," I say gently.

"Ugh, you-" Amber stops herself although I knew what her next words would've been.

    It's now halftime and it's time for our halftime performance. I run out, excited to cheer for the whole crowd. Cheering has always been something I've enjoyed doing. I understand why now: I love being around people, making them happy and allowing them to have hope for our team. I see my boyfriend, Mason, in the crowd and it gives me more energy.

    "Get it girl!" I hear faintly in the crowd and know it's Mason. I attempt to wave at him while still trying to look natural.

"What are you doing? It's time for you to fly," Amber whispers to me.

Amber and some other cheerleaders come over to me and I step up on their hands, they lift me up. I do my little thing in the air and... they drop me and catch me like they're supposed to and I reach the ground safely.

    After the game, Mason catches me sitting in my car as I'm putting on my seatbelt.

"Hey. I have something for you," he says, looking somewhat mischievous.

"What do you have?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

He pulls out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back, "These, aren't they so beautiful?"

"What's the occasion?"

"Do I need an occasion?" He asks handing me the flowers.

"Yes, now I have to go, bye," I say as I take them from him anyway. I shut the car door and roll up my windows. I wave goodbye and drive away.

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