12. The Gift

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I peruse the aisles to find something simple and artsy. I'm not very good at shopping for girls, or anyone for that matter, but I want Blossom to know I enjoy hanging out with her and talking to her. I'm searching Hobby Lobby, and I've come across a few good options so far, but nothing is quite right in my opinion.

Eventually, I come to an aisle full of wooden creations. There are little houses, shapes, and letters. I look through the letters to find the largest letter "B" I can find, and grab it off the shelf. I decide I will leave it unpainted so she can color it how she wants, because I know she loves painting and drawing. At the checkout aisle, I spot some candy. I reach down and grab a Snickers bar, and then a small bag of Hershey's Kisses, because girls love kisses.

Mom is waiting for me by the front of the store, and she has two full bags of items with her. I follow her out of the mall and through the parking lot to get to our car.

"Did you get everything you needed?" Mom asks as we start to drive off.

"Hopefully," I respond.

The final bell has just rang, meaning I have to look for Blossom quickly. I peer through the crowded halls of Chasten City High to find her. She's not at her locker, so she must already be outside about to leave. I roll as fast as I can towards the front of the school, being careful not to bump into anyone, though, and spot her heading towards her car.

"Blossom! Wait!" I call to her.

She turns around quickly. "Hey, what's up," she calls back as she starts walking my direction.

"I need to give you something." I've never had an interaction like this before, so I hope I'm not sounding too awkward.

"What?" We're by the side of the school building now.

"Um," I start to pull the shiny, purple bag out of my backpack. "I got this for you. I wanted to somehow say thank you for being such a good friend to me."

She takes the bag from me, opens it gently, and peeks inside. She pulls out the big wooden "B" first.

"Aww, thank you, but you didn't need to do this."

"You're welcome, and yes, I did need to do this. It's the least I can do for you being so nice to me." Blossom blushes and continues pulling out the rest of the items in the bag.

"Oooh, Snickers, my favorite!" She says.

"Oh, I just guessed."

"And Hershey's Kisses, I love those, too." She's liking her gift, this is good.

"Thank you so much, but I have to be heading out now. Bye!" She waves to me and hurries off to her car.

"See you tomorrow!" I reply, rolling towards my parents' vehicle. 

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