I will shove my foot so far up your..

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" He says rolling his eyes. Simon glare.
"Never mind." He looks between us and starts to chuckle.

I look at Alvin clearing my throat. "So Alvin, you have been really pissy with me today. What did I do?"

He looks down and say. "Im fine."
Me not looking convince say. "Are you sure?"
Then out of nowhere he hugs me and says
"No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes."
He says in a hushed tone. He pull away and walk upstairs.

Please don't tell me I have grown soft for him again. Last time I did I...

"Ugh! Alvin where are you!? Oh im so gonna kill him for being late for our date!!" I was young and he was young.

I was looking for him because as usual, he was late. I went up and down the street looking for him until I finally spotted him. I start to run up to him but then I see him holding hands with another girl. And kiss her.

Right then my heart shattered into a bazillion pieces. The only thoughts that ran through my head were. He said he love me. He said he would never hurt me. Only to realize he was lying. He never cared about me. He then sees me with a shock expression and before he could respond I ran away. The opposite direction from home.
That's why we broke up.

~Present day~
I felt something trickle down my face and noticed I was crying. I didnt know I had been crying. But so what. That was decades ago. And no way would I fall in love with Alvin ever again.

"Why does she have to come for dinner Dave!? Did you not hear me when I told you that she insulted my baby sister!? No one I mean no one, does that to her!!"

Apparently Brittany was throwing a tantrum cause Dave let Julia come over for dinner.

Theo decided on it too. Although he dont know what Britt was mad about.

"Brittany its Theodore girlfriend. So shes coming to dinner."

Brittany pulled at her ponytail. "Did you not hear what I told you about her insulting Ellie!!? She called her fat!!!"

Just then Alvin grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her out the kitchen.

"Brittany you are not getting anywhere with Dave you know." She crossed her arms.

"Neither is Julia if she insults Ellie again."
Alvin chuckles and bring her into a hug.

"Britt, contain your anger, for now." She pulls away from him smiling.
"Yea whatever."

Just then the door bell rings and Theo rushes to the door smiling ear to ear.

"Juil! You're right on time. Dave just set the table."

Julia walks in smiling as she kiss Theo on the lips, which he happily returned. Ellie walks down the stairs without saying as much as one word to anyone.

"Um Ellie. Aren't you going to say hi to Julia?"
Dave says with a smile.

Ellie looks at Julia who just smiles. Ellie ignores her and sits on the couch.
Brittany crosses her arms and gave Julia a dirty look as she went to sit by Ellie.

"Ellie sweetheart say hello to Julia. For me and Jeannie." She say so sweetly.

Eleanor deeply sigh and say. "Fine. Hi Julia." Julia smiles and hugs her.

"Ok everyone dinner is ready!" Dave shouts and everyone ran to their seats. Alvin by Brittany. Simon by Jeanette and Theodore between Julia and Eleanor.

Eleanor got her plate and stared at it. Brittany noticed and said.
"Eleanor eat your food. You are not fat as some people would say."

Eleanor looked at her plate and up at Julia. She start to eat her food when Brittany heard Julia say.

"Disgusting." Julia mumbled.

Apparently Brittany heard. So knowing her she went off.

"What the hell you just say? Did you just call my sister disgusting?" She bitterly said. Ellie held Brittany hand.
"No, not now."

Ignoring Eleanor Brittany say. "You sure got a lot of nerves calling her that!"

Julia glare. "Who the hell are you talking to?! Its not my fault that she's a pig!"

Brittany breath hitched in her throat as she stood up. "I will shove my foot so far up your ass your great grandchildren will feel it!!"

Julia stood up to launch at Brittany so did Brittany. But before Brittany could hit her she was thrown over someone shoulder.

"Let me at her!!! I will rip her head off if I have to!!"
She yells and Julia storms out the house.

Brittany P.O.V.

I was carried upstairs by Alvin and thrown on the bed. I run to the door but he closed and locked it.

"Move Alvin!" I yell at him. He just stood there with his arms crossed.
"Britt, you didnt last not a second tonight." He says amusingly.

I glare at him. "Its not funny Alvie." I quickly covered my mouth when he looks at me.

"Did I tell you not to use that word again?" He says growling.
"Oh im sorry. Its not my fault that you were my ex." I say sarcastically.

"So that means you still want me." He says.
I nod my head. "Yes...no!!! I didnt say that!"
He chuckles. "Yea whatever."
I roll my eyes and walk to the door.

"Move Seville!" I growl.
"No. I need to talk to you." He says in a serious tone.
I look at him. "About what?"

He fiddled with his hands before saying.
"Allison and me broke up."


Wowwy. Thats a shocker. So here hows it going to go, I hardly mentioned their spouse in the story because of 1 thing.

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