Nice move Sam

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"Can you talk?" Sam asked the yellow robot that stood before himself and Skye.
"XM Satellite Radio....Digital Cable brings you...Columbia broadcasting system..." The yellow robot said in different voices. So it came from the radio Skye realised, that's why the radio was playing by itself the other day and why the car drove the make-out point.
"So you speak through the radio?" Sam asked as Skye stepped closer to Sam and used both hands to grip into his arm.
"Thank you, You're beautiful! You're wonderful, you're wonderful!" The robot said clapping his hands and pointing at Sam to show he was correct.
"So what was that last night? What was that?" Sam questioned. But Skye had no idea what happened so was slightly confused.
"Message to star-fleet captain...throughout the inanimate vastness of space...angels will rain down like visitors from heaven! Hallelujah!"
"Visitors from heaven? Alien. Are you...what an alien or something?" Skye asked trying to join together what the robot said to make sense.
The yellow comaro nodded a few times pointing at Skye. The robot suddenly turned back into its car form and opened the door for the teens. "Any more questions you want to ask?"
"He wants us to get in the car" Sam said stepping forward but Skye stayed put staring at the car in slight shock.
"You can't be serious, Sam" Skye argued as he held a hand out for her to follow him but she refused.
"Skylar, fifty years from now when your looking back at your life, don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?" Sam said raising an eyebrow.
'Oh no he didn't! He did not just use my full name!' Skye thought angrily, Sam knew that that would get her in the car which it did. Skye took a deep breath and nodded stepping into the car with Sam. Sam was in the passenger seat and Skye felt very uncomfortable in the drivers seat since the car wheel was turning itself as the Comaro drove off.
Skye and Sam stopped so Skye could get her bag and Sam's jeans. She quickly pulled her phone back in her shoulder bag as it must have fell out then jumped back into the car this time sitting between the front seats on the arm rest. She felt very uncomfortable but didn't complain rather not stealing the cars seat as it drove them to where ever the hell it was taking them.
"Gotta admit, this car is a pretty good driver" Skye commented.
"Yeah" Sam said "Why don't you sit in the seat there?"
"The car is driving, Sam" Skye said as if it was obvious.
"Oh, right. Well, maybe you should sit in my lap" Sam stated.
"Why?" Skye asked.
"Well I have the only seatbelt here. Safety first, you know" Sam stated.
Skye bit on her bottom lip and thought about it. She'd rather not fly through the window if the robot-alien-car was attacked again. "Okay" she said after moment.
Skye nodded slowly at Sam as she moved onto his lap and Sam wrapped xthe seatbelt around them both. "Sam?"
"Nice move" Skye smirked.
"W-what?" Sam stuttered.
"The seatbelt move. So I'd sit in your lap" Skye said laughing lightly.
The silence continued for a few moments before Sam heard Skye's soft sigh as she looked at the dashboard. "What's wrong?"
"I just trying to understand that if their super advanced robots from space then why does he come in this transform as an out of date, piece of crap Camaro?" Skye whispered so the car didn't hear but unfortunately it did. The tries suddenly screeched to a holt in the middle of a motorway tunnel. Sam's car basically pushed the teens out and quickly speeded away down the tunnel.
"Fantastic Skye! Well done, you pissed him off!" Sam shouted.
"Don't snap at me Sam, I didn't mean to hurt your precious cars feelings. I didn't think he would hear!" Skye defended.
"That car is sensitive. I mean $4000 just drove off!" Sam snapped angrily.
"Ok I'm sorry! I like the car, I didn't mean to insult him, it..." Skye trailed off as the Camaro came this time transformed Into a brand new 2007 Camaro.
"What?" Sam said in disbelief and shock looking at his brand new car.
"Wow" Skye smiled and stepped into the new car. Everything on the inside was also new and upgraded. Skye was in the passenger seat now as Sam climbed into the drivers seat. "You did good, car" Skye said as she ribbed the dash board.
"Thank you Sky-ler" the car said but said her name wrong instead of Skylar.
"Close enough" Skye smirked.

When the darkness comes (Sam witwitcky)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt