Chapter 22: #Natigail

Start from the beginning

Her name is Abigail and she lives in London too. She doesn’t have either Twitter or Instagram.”

“I just don’t get why you don’t want your site linked. I would send a lot of traffic your way,” Nate said and I could see he was really struggling to understand my point of view.

He was naturally much more confident than I and for a while he had had all of his social media connected; YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine and whatever else I didn’t know about. I never had had any of those types of accounts and I had never been one to expose myself like that.

“I don’t like being exposed like that. Now, can we please to something else?”

We snuggled up on the couch and watched Friends reruns for the tenth time. I knew every line by heart and it was lovely mind-numbing to just watch and not think. After we finished watching a quarter of a season both our stomach’s growled and we ordered Nandos. I stuffed my face even more as to distract myself.

“I’m going to vlog a bit,” Nate told me.

He always gave me a heads up as he was about to film. At the beginning I had really disliked the fact that he was a daily vlogger but I had gotten used to it over the course of our relationship.

I smiled at him and nodded. Now, I loved to watch him vlog and to watch his vlogs, especially over the course of our month of separation I had become quite addicted to them. I had been waiting faithfully by my computer as they went live most nights.

“Hey guys, I’m sorry that I havn’t vlogged very much today but it’s just been one of those lie-in days watching Friends reruns and eating Nandos,” he said and flipped the camera to show the table.

“I’ve been travelling for so long now and it’s been absolutely amazing but it’s good to be home. I’ve certainly missed my friends and family. And a certain special female as well…” his voice trailed off as he looked behind the camera and his eyes found mine.

He was asking permission to mention me. This vlog would firstly to up tomorrow and by then a lot of people would already have heard the news revealed today.

I swallowed nervously and gave him a very careful nod.

His face broke into a smile and I could see that he felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. I knew he had hated to keep this from his viewers. On one of our endless phone calls while we were apart, he had mentioned to me how many times he had to edit out the times he had mentioned me. I found it adorable how he just wanted to tell everyone about me.

“You might have seen in FunforLouis vlog from yesterday that a girl greeted me at the airport as I arrived home from Italy. That was my girlfriend Abigail. We haven’t wanted to say anything because she is rather camera-shy. Aren’t you, Abbs?”

If I had been tense before, I was on the point of exploding now.

“Yes,” I said very quietly.

Nate smiled widely and I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

“I hope that you guys doesn’t get offended by the fact that I haven’t told you. It’s my personal life and even though I chose to share a lot of it with you through these dailyvlogs, there are still aspects that I want to keep private. And please don’t start any rumours about Abigail or our relationship. As off now we don’t really want to share anything. Right?”

He looked at me for affirmation again. I nodded again, still perplexed by what was happening in front of me. Nate turned the camera down and shot it off.

“Do you want to get in the shot with me?” he asked.

“No!” I exclaimed as my initial reaction but then I forced myself to consider the situation. I had always had great difficulties overcoming obstacles but I had changed a lot. My travels had made me even braver and given me more apatite for life. So, why shouldn’t I get on camera with my boyfriend?

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