he's sick 2

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You've been awake for the past 30 minutes, playing on your phone. Colby is sound asleep next to you and he looks really comfortable. He has his back to you but he's right up against you. Your arm is resting on his shoulder and holding up your phone.
After about fifteen minutes, he starts to stir a little and eventually stretches and lays back down but this time facing you.
"Morning baby."
He doesn't even smile.
He looks kind of pale now that you see his face.
"You feeling alright?"
"My head hurts and I'm really sore for some reason..."
You frown at him slightly.
He gets a weird look on his face.
"I'll be right back."
He gets up and leaves and you hear the bathroom door shut a second later.
You play on your phone for a minute as you wait for him to come back. You're a little worried about him.
Faintly, you hear what sounds like someone throwing up. Instantly, you get up and go to the bathroom. You knock on the door lightly.
He coughs and spits something up and you open the door and slip in.
You quickly kneel down beside him. You rub his back as he throws up again.
He flushes the toilet and you help him stand up. He's shaking and seems a little lightheaded.
"Go lay back down and I'll get some Gatorade for you okay?" He nods and goes back to the room.
     You go downstairs and grab a bottle of red Gatorade and a bucket for him. You wonder why he's all of a sudden sick.
     You go back upstairs and into the room. You see him laying on his side and looking at the ground. You set the bucket next to the bed and give him the Gatorade. He takes a drink of it and puts it on the nightstand.
     You crawl into bed and lay down next to him, turning on the tv. He curls up against you and lays his head on your stomach. He rests one arm over your hips.
     You put your hand on his back and it causes him to flinch because he's sore.
     He makes a slight whiny noise because of the pain and you feel bad.
     "I'm sorry baby."
     He feels really hot even as he just lays on you.
     "Are you achy?"
     He nods.
     "It's mostly my back and shoulders and I have a massive headache too."
     You frown a little and pick up your phone to text Sam, who lives in the apartment across the hall.

You: hey do you have any tylenol or ibuprofen that Colby can take?

Sam: yeah I think I have some, why?

You: he doesn't feel good and he said he's really achy and sore and he has a headache

Sam: is he sick?

You: yeah I think he has a fever, he threw up a little while ago

Sam: I'll bring the ibuprofen over in a minute

You: thanks

     Since the boys all have spare keys to each other's apartments, Sam just walks right in. He shuts the door and comes upstairs. He lightly knocks on the bedroom door before coming in.
     He comes up to the bed and hands you a plastic bag with a couple pills in it. He sits on the edge of the bed.
     "So I take it you're not doing too good bro?"
     Colby shakes his head a little and you start to calmly play with his hair.
     Sam looks at you for a second and back at Colby.
     "Well, I hope you feel better soon man, I know it sucks now but you'll be alright in a couple days. Just chill out and if you need anything, tell her to call me or Jake and we'll go get it."
     Colby nods and you thank Sam for the medicine.
     On his way out, he pauses.
     "And Colby, let her take care of you. You need rest. If he gets too stubborn, call me." He winks at you and waves goodbye before leaving. You laugh and wave back.
     You give Colby the two ibuprofen tablets and he takes them.
He takes a drink of the Gatorade and puts it back before laying down again.
He cuddles up to you and tucks his head under your chin before putting his arm over your stomach. You don't want to get sick but you don't really care at this point because you want him to be comfortable.
He's still kind of shaky but not as badly as before.
You put your hand on his neck and start to gently rub your thumb over his jaw. You kiss the top of his head and he sighs.
You hope the medicine kicks in soon because he seems to be in a lot of pain. He keeps tensing the muscles in his back and shoulders to temporarily relieve the soreness but it's not really working.
You hold his hand to comfort him and about fifteen minutes later, you see the medicine starting to take effect. His whole body slowly relaxes and he doesn't tense up anymore.
"Feeling better?"
He nods.
"My head still hurts a little but other than that I'm okay."
"That's good."
You put your arm around him and start to rub his back. He seems to like it and begins to get sleepy. The heat radiating off him because of the fever was making him tired too.
He snuggles a bit closer and you see him fighting to stay awake. His eyes are wanting to close but he won't let them.
"It's okay Colbs. You can go to sleep baby. I'll stay right here. You need rest."
He weakly nods and minutes later is out cold, both from the effects of the ibuprofen and from being sick. You keep rubbing his back while you watch tv.
     A little while later, you get a text message.

Jake: hey Sam just stopped by and said that Colby's sick?

You: yeah he threw up a while ago and Sam brought him some medicine because he was in a lot of pain and he had a really bad headache

Jake: dang, is he doing okay now?

You: he's sleeping on me at the moment so I think he's alright for the time being. if you're not busy can you bring over a bottle of water and something for me to eat because I can't really get up rn lmao

Jake: sure, what do you want

You: if you have any cereal I'll take that

Jake: I got a box of fruit loops

You: that's fine lmao

Jake: ok I'll be over in a minute

You: just be quiet when you come in so you don't wake colby up

     You put your phone down on the bed and refocus your attention on Colby. He's still sound asleep.
     Jake comes in and shuts the front door before coming upstairs to the bedroom. He knocks lightly before he walks in carrying the box of fruit loops and the water.
     He hands it to you and you thank him. He sits down in the chair across from the bed and looks at Colby.
     "How long has he been sick for?"
     "Since this morning. He has a fever too."
     "He looks super pale."
     "I know, he's been like that since he woke up. I don't know what's going on with him."
     You carefully open the box and grab a handful of cereal.
     "He wasn't sick yesterday. We went out to dinner with Brennen and Kobe."
     "I guess it happened overnight because I remember when we went to bed last night he seemed perfectly fine."
     "Huh. That's really weird."
    You nod.
"Well, I gotta go. Corey's coming over later to film so I have to get the apartment ready. If you guys need anything just call."
You thank him for the food and wave goodbye as he leaves.
You eat for a while and take a drink of your water as you watch the tv. You set the food and bottle of water aside after and shift slightly so as not to wake Colby up.
The heat coming off of him is enough to make you start feeling drowsy very quickly. You pull the comforter up to his elbow and put your arm under his so your wrist was resting on his stomach.
It doesn't take long before you're out as well.

ending? never heard of her

the last paragraphs fucking suck but I ran out of ideas and figured let's just finish it lmao


im going to be doing a short (BUT VERY IMPORTANT) announcement post as my next chapter so that should be up in a day or two

another thing: THIS SET OF IMAGINES IS #13 in the #colby tag, #2 in the #sam tag, and #13 in the #traphouse tag. we just hit 95k reads and 1k votes and IM SO AMAZED AND GRATFUL FOR ALL 95k OF YOU. y'all don't understand how happy and thankful I am for all of this

luv u guys SM

gracie xx

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