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You, Sam, and Colby all sat on the downstairs couch, watching TV. You were sitting next to Colby and Sam was on one of the white beanbags.
Jake came in a little bit later and sat on the end of the couch. Colby pulls you closer and wraps his arms around your stomach. You lay your head back on him and he rests his chin on your head.
Jake starts talking about potential video ideas for the upcoming week. Colby already said he was gonna do a Q&A with you, so he wasn't really listening anyway.
"I mean, we could do a night out in the backyard. That would be pretty fun."
Sam nods and starts to give some of his ideas.
Colby leans down and kisses your neck. You smile and laugh a little.
"Hi baby boy," you whisper in his ear, ruffling up his hair. He pouts and shakes his head.
"I'm not a baby."
"Yes you are."
You laugh and Colby pulls you in tighter. He's always hated that nickname, but you think it's cute so you call him that anyways.
You boop Colby's nose and he moves so that you're laying across his lap now (like if he picked you up bridal style and just sat down with you in his lap). He starts to tickle you.
You try to grab his wrists so he can't tickle you but he's a lot stronger than you. You squirm to try to get away from him but he doesn't let you go. You're laughing so hard that you can barely breathe.
"Colby...Colby stop!" You barely manage to say that since you're laughing so hard. Jake and Sam are now watching you and Colby and smiling.
"Fight fight fight fight!" Jake says, laughing.
You finally escape Colby's grip and stand up. You look at Colby and cross your arms. Your sides hurt from laughing and being tickled at the same time.
He makes his pouty face again and looks at you.
You shake your head and smirk at him. To tease him a little bit, you turn around and wink at Jake and Sam. You act like you're mad at him.
You ignore him to see what he does.
He comes up behind you and hugs you. Jake and Sam laugh and you crack up too. It's hard to be serious when they're not.
Colby pretends to be sad and walks back over to the couch. While he's still turned around, you jump on his back. He drops you on the couch and picks you back up again, this time throwing you over his shoulder.
"Colby Brock put me down right now."
"Or what?"
"Or I'm gonna hit you." He laughs at this and walks around the room with you on his shoulder.
"She's gonna kick your ass Colby," Jake laughs and Sam agrees with him.
He lets go of you and puts you on the couch. He hovers over top of you and you kick him gently.
He grabs you again but this time gets down on the floor and pins you to the ground. The only thing you can really do is move your left arm a little.
You manage to wiggle out from under him but as you're trying to crawl back up onto the couch he pulls you back and this time he holds your wrists to the floor while he kneels over your stomach.
You can't move and he starts to tickle you. Suddenly you're laughing like crazy again.
You stand up and he does too. You push him backwards playfully and he laughs. He grabs you and puts you in a headlock before making you both fall to the ground. He holds you tight and rolls over to the other side. You end up twisting your elbow under him on accident, which sends an excruciating pain through your arm as he rolls over and puts his weight on it.
You squeak in pain and seconds later find yourself crying because it hurts so bad.
You don't think anything serious happened but it still hurts a lot for some reason. The weight from his body had made your arm twist in a bad position and it was very painful.
Colby immediately realizes you're hurt and you sit up, tears streaming down your face.
"What happened baby?"
"I-I don't know, I-" you're cut off by your own crying.
You suck in a shaky breath and look up at Colby for a split second.
He helps you to the couch and sits down before pulling you back in his lap (again you're sitting like you would if he was holding you bridal style and just sat down). He hugs you and kisses your forehead.
"I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to hurt you." You lay your head on his chest, still crying due to the fact that it still hurt.
"Great, look what you did Colby," Sam jokes, rolling his eyes.
Colby was only paying attention to you though. He had you sit up and try to stretch out your arm. You couldn't straighten it out all the way without feeling a shooting pain throughout your arm. You whisper "OW" and begin to cry hard again.
"Hey shhh, it's okay. You're alright baby." He kisses your forehead again and rubs your back, trying to comfort you. He felt so bad at that moment that he wanted nothing else than to help you.
He has you try again and you get the same result. Now, he takes your lower arm in his hand and gently starts to squeeze in different spots to see what exactly was hurt.
"Where does it hurt?"
"My elbow."
He moves his hand down and lightly wraps his fingers just above your elbow.
"Tell me when to stop, okay?" You nod.
He puts steady pressure and it only hurts a little. He moves down a few centimeters and does it again.
     This time, you get the same pain as when you first twisted it. You pull your arm back and tuck it against Colby's stomach. You lay your head on his chest again.
     "So it's your elbow then. You might have sprained it or something."
     You don't say anything for fear that you'll sound stupid because you're crying. He rubs your back.
     "Can one of you go get a bag of ice?"
     Sam gets up at Colby's request and Jake goes with him.
     Colby refocuses his attention on you.
     "Sam's gonna get you some ice and everything will be fine. Just take a deep breath and try to relax. I know it hurts but I think you'll be alright." You take a breath and begin to feel a little calmer.
     Sam returns with the ice and hands it to Colby. He gently pulls your arm out from where it was tucked against him and carefully presses the ice to your elbow. It hurts but you let him help.
     Gradually, it begins to feel better but you still can't straighten it out all the way.
     "Wait a few days and if it doesn't get any better I want you to tell me. If we need to go to a hospital or something I'll take you," Colby says, looking at Jake and Sam nervously.
     You appreciate that he cares about you and wants to help.
     Over the next couple days, your arm heals and stops hurting. Colby takes you out to dinner as an apology but you weren't mad at him in the first place since he didn't actually mean to hurt you.

what in the fuck was that ending omfggg

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