request: @niallforever15

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It had been two months. Two whole months of trying to get over him and failing miserably. Two whole months of having nothing on your mind but what you could've done to fix it.
Every day, your heart hurt a little more at the thought of what you two had had together. You missed his eyes and his laugh and his smile. You missed the way he kissed you and the way he was always there when you needed him. You missed his hugs and cuddles and sleeping in his bed, curled up next to him as you listened to his heartbeat. Everything about him, you missed.
You thought that two months would be enough. You feel like you should've forgotten him by now, or at least accepted that it was over. But nevertheless, you still found yourself feeling empty without Colby. Nothing felt quite right anymore.
Tonight, however, you're determined to take your mind off him somehow. You were invited to a bar to have a few drinks with your cousin who happened to live a few miles away from you in California. You two had always been good friends and you told her nearly everything.
You get dropped off by Devyn, who's going out to Walmart to shop for groceries. She pulls into a parking spot and looks at you.
"Be careful, ok? Weird people hang out at bars and weird stuff happens."
"I know. I'll be alright. Thanks Devyn." You wave goodbye as you shut the car door and go inside.
Once the door closes behind you, the scent of alcohol is all you can smell. It kind of burns your nose at first but you don't hesitate in starting to look for your cousin.
A few minutes of searching reveals that she's sitting at the barstool farthest from everything, a glass of water on the counter in front of her.
You walk over there and sit next to her.
You look at her, not wanting to answer to that at first. You know exactly what she means by that and you kind of wanted to avoid it.
The bartender comes over and you order a can of Bud Light to start off with.
"What do you mean 'so'?"
"Tell me about what's going on. I love some good tea."
You sigh heavily and start off by saying that this had been the most painful two months of your life.
"You still miss him huh?"
You pause momentarily and slowly nod.
"I guess."
She chuckles at this and the bartender brings your drink.
You both were silent for a couple minutes, and almost instantly you started thinking about Colby.
Little did you know, Colby was experiencing the same pain. For two months, he had debated whether or not to call you and try to make things work again. He missed you badly, so badly that he kept your pictures on his wall and nightstand and would almost break down crying if he looked at them. He didn't get much sleep these days, and neither did you. It was too lonely to sleep by yourself because thoughts would take over your head and almost indefinitely cause crying.
You kind of zoned back in as she began to speak.
"He was perfect for you, you gotta admit. It would be easy to miss him." You nod at this and order another beer.
For the next few hours, you both talk about the breakup and you order drink after drink, barely noticing how many you had.
At around 10 pm, you start to get blurry vision. You look around the bar but all you see are streaks of flashing color. Within minutes you can't zone back in to what she's saying because your head just feels like it's spinning.
You stand up to walk out of the bar since everything's already payed for but find that you can't walk in a straight line. You feel yourself fall but are caught by someone. They sit you down in a booth.
Faintly, you can hear people saying something, and someone even says your name. You open your eyes for a few seconds to see Kat and Sam standing in front of you.
"Sam, she can't get herself home. She's gonna pass out pretty soon if we don't do something," Kat says, looking at you and then back at Sam pleadingly.
He hesitates for several seconds, thinking about it. You hadn't seen Sam since you broke up with Colby but he had been like an older brother to you and you loved him like a sibling. Katrina was one of your best friends still, so of course she wanted to help.
"Fine. We'll take her home but hopefully Colby won't find her."
They help you up and basically carry you out to the car. The put you in the backseat and shut the door before getting in themselves.
Sam starts the car and drives you to the traphouse. You hadn't been there in such a long time but you had blacked out and really couldn't do much of anything.
Sam goes and gets Jake and they both help to carry you inside and upstairs. They put you in Colby's room since he was going to be at Brennen's house all night and because it felt like a home base to you. You felt so much safer when you were in there because it usually meant that Colby was by your side.
     Kat leaves a bottle of water and some pills on the nightstand along with a bottle of red Gatorade before she stands back, next to Sam.
"I think she'll be ok in the morning but she's gonna have a hell of a time with the hangover."
Downstairs, the front door opens and shuts again and someone is walking up the stairs.
     It's Colby.
     Kat quickly goes out to try to distract him while Sam figures out what to do with you. There isn't really any place to put you and you don't feel like cooperating. You had a massive headache and the blurry vision was throwing you way off. Kat tries her best to distract him but he asks what's going on before pushing right past her and to his door.
     Sam is standing in the middle of the room, pleading with you to get up when suddenly the bedroom door opens. Colby is standing there, his phone in his hand. He looks at Sam with an are you fucking serious face and sighs, looking at you laying in the bed.
"Colby, I can expl-
"What happened?"
Both Sam and Kat look confused.
"I said what happened? Is she okay?"
     Sam nervously glances at Kat and back to Colby.
     "She's alright, just passed out. Me and Kat went to dinner and found her about to black out at the bar. We brought her here because she definitely couldn't get herself home and we put her in your room because we thought you were staying at Brennen's. I'm sorry."
     "It's fine."
     Colby walks over to you, who has no clue what's going on because you blacked out again.
     "Are you sure you're okay with this?"
     He calmly nods and looks at them.
     "You guys can go to bed. I'll take care of her."
     Sam is skeptical about this but quietly shuts the door and leaves with Katrina.
You're out cold for the next few minutes while Colby texts Brennen about the situation. For the rest of the night, you're passed out so you don't really remember much of anything.
Colby crawls into bed and lays next to you, facing the wall. He falls asleep as well but only after making sure that you're comfortable.
You sleepily open your eyes to see warm summer sunlight just starting to peek through the blinds. The slanted rays of light wash over your face and onto Colby's bare back. You roll over to look at him and are met with an instant pang of sadness. You've missed him so much, and now that he was here you just wanted to hug him and have him back as your own.
You get up and grab the water bottle. You drink the whole thing before taking some of the pills to help with your headache and the sick feeling you had from being drunk all night. As you sit up, you notice that Colby laid out a pair of your black Nike shorts (you had left them here on accident after you moved out) and one of his hoodies on the bed for you. You take a sip of Gatorade and walk to the bathroom to change.
In the mirror, you use a washcloth to wash your face with cold water. It helps you feel better but your stomach still feels terrible.
You go back to the room and sit on the edge of the bed, looking at the ground.
You wanted Colby back. There was no doubting it. Everything in you wanted to cuddle up next to him and kiss him and fall back asleep on his chest but you knew you couldn't.
His voice surprises you at first. You turn around to find him now facing you, holding a pillow and resting his head on it.
"I was worried about you last night."
You look at him.
You're about to burst with all the feelings you're being flooded with. It hurts to not tell the truth about loving him. You want to say it so badly.
You stand up and pretend to go look at something on his desk.
Within seconds, he's right behind you. You turn around to face him, a tear running down your cheek.
"Colby...I...I miss you."
He pulls you into his chest and hugs you, his arms wrapped around you tightly. You relax into his arms and hug his waist.
"If we're both being honest, I miss you too Y/N."
You pull back and wipe your tears but new ones are already falling. Colby stands there, feeling bad for everything that had happened.
"Aww, please don't cry baby."
His voice is very quiet and sad. He takes a step towards you and opens his arms. You lightly slip your arms around his neck. He hugs you again, tighter than before. You can feel him gently rubbing your back with one hand as a sort of comfort.
"After you packed up and left the house crying because of me I sat down on the floor and realized how badly I fucked up. I didn't know how much I needed you until you were gone and when you didn't come back I started to regret everything. I'm sorry."
     There's a few moments of silence before anyone says anything.
     "Would you be willing to... give me a second chance?"
     You immediately nod. Colby tightens the hug before letting you go. He has a slight smile on his face as he looks at you.
     "Does that mean you'll move back in?"
     You laugh and nod again. It feels so good to have him back.
     You got hungry so you were gonna go downstairs to get some food. You had decided to spend the day chilling with Colby before you went home to pack up your stuff again.
     At the top of the stairs, he came up behind you and playfully picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. He walked down to the kitchen like this.
     "Nah I'm good." He laughs, a sound that you missed hearing. He picks up a box of cereal and carries you into the living room, where Sam, Kat, and Jake were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Sam smiles at seeing you two being happy again.
     "I didn't know you two were together again," Kat says, winking and laughing. She smiles at Sam, happy that they had helped with getting you and Colby back together.

rip to the ending of this, I felt like I was kinda just rambling so I stopped lmao and I lost all ideas for how to end it soooo

so this marks the first request in this set of imagines and let me tell yA, I fucking loved writing it. I hope y'all will start sending more bc it was super fun for me to write.

just remember:
-the more details, the better
-i won't use your name personally in the story but I'll incorporate nicknames if you want me to
-dm me with your details and anything else
-i don't do smut but i can add in some slightly dirty stuff if you want it ig
-include pet names, family member names, friends names,  if there are any you want to add in

@niallforever15 i hope you like it and im sorry it took so long but i tried my best lol

gracie xx

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