Chapter 8: " Friends"

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           Hi guys back with an update ,hope it lives up to your expectations.


        Sanskar and Swara walked in the beach for over fifteen minutes ,it was a splendid place for a early morning walk  Swara conceded the moment she noticed the beach . Sanskar realized he  inadvertantly had hurt her  by avoiding her and wasted precious time with his Shona as he continued starring at her .

       " Tell me about yourself Sanskar " the silent words of his Shona took a moment to reach him and he realized she didn't really know him much and intended to rectify the error soon .

       And  so for the next one hour, he just talked and she listened intently as if not to miss anything out. He must have told everything about him,his childhood memories including where he studied, what he studied, his line of work , who were is childhood friends, it felt  like reading someone Autobiography.

      You dont know the people but you get what they meant to the person who wrote the book .   Then he talked about his family, and swara must have learnt a lot more about them in the ten minute then when she stayed with them

    He told her everything except Kavita, he would have told her about Kavita if she was just a pleasant memory and right now he doesn't want to burden her with her lost memories. So he decided to  introduce himself as he would if he met her for the first time.

      " So that all about me. "he finished talking and wondered how she had the patience to listen to him for that long ,even those who work under him would have been bored by now .

          " But you havent told me anything about us, when did we meet, how do we meet and everything about us after our marriage , the recording isnt enough to know everything " Swara told him as she desperately wanted to know everything there is to about them . 

          Sanskar did try to gently persuade her as he didnt want to cause a setback in her memory by telling her off those memories but she was adamant that she needs to know about them . 

                "Swara,  if i tell you about your forgotten memories , i want you to be aware there is not only happy memories, there is lot of painful ones.It is true we were very happily married when the accident happened but our journey was not so happy all the times, so i am not sure it is okay to let you know about all those painful memories now and what if it caused the nightmare to return." Sanskar tried to plead one more time and yet he knew Swara wasnt going to give up either

            " Okay then ,let take it slowly.5 questions for each day. You answer all my questions in brief.But even if it is a painful memory ,you have to say the truth. Sanskar i dont want to let this memory loss be a handicap in my life when i can have the answer i need from you, i am sorry but i need to know " Swara spoke up , trying to make him understand her need to know about a part of her life that she couldnt remember and she knew he would relent even before he nodded his head in answer.

         " First question .Between both of us who fell in love first" Swara asked immediately not giving him a chance to change his mind and he answered in a single word " Me" and yet it didnt answer her question to satisfaction.

          "So you confessed first too?" Swara asked him, as the single word was not enough for her and this time he answered  with a statement, " Yes,though i wish i didnt do it at that time" which only left her with more questions

        "Why." the one word question slipped out first as swara wanted to know why he regretted confessing his love and she hoped this time he doesnt answer with a single word

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