Chapter 10: " I Love You Too"

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                           Hi guys ,back with an update. Hope it lives upto your expectations. 

One Week Later

             Ragini  Maheshwari had known something was upsetting her sister ,she derived it from her silence and every attempt  to learn the reason behind her sister sadness  failed and she was left with no choice but to talk to her husband .

             " Ask Sanskar , I need to know why Swara is upset . " Ragini voice greeted a sleeping Laksh who had to wonder why the sisters had to drag him between their problems .

           " You ask Swara ,she is you sister and I can't interfere in bhai life . It won't be right even if it is on your behalf ,  how can I ask him whats wrong with Swara ?" Laksh tried to reason with his wife who was stubborn with her insistence that something was wrong in her sister life .

         " Do you think I didn't try ,she won't say a word but I know she is upset and I have already stumbled on her crying twice . Please Laksh for me " Ragini didn't care if she need to plead with her husband to get her answers . 

           " Fine ,I will and if it caused a rift between me and bhai ,it all your fault " Laksh mumbled as he let his wife win yet another argument ,only then did his wife allow him to drift back to sleep. 

                 But the next day ,Laksh had cursed himself for the promise he made his wife , he didn't want to interfere in his brother life . Still he didn't like that his pregnant wife worried herself as well .

          He only hoped his brother was willing to talk as he stepped inside his brother cabin and that when he noticed that something was bothering his brother as well .

         Maybe his wife had been right and something was upsetting both of them . And Laksh realized he should have noticed something was wrong with Sanskar sooner .

           " What going on Bhai ,you look like you haven't slept for years " Laksh kept his voice normal as he greeted his brother ,hoping his brother will open  up on his own .

           " Nothing Laksh ,I am fine " Sanskar voice greeted him back making laksh realize his cousin was indeed upset .

           " Ragini tells me ,Swara has been crying as well and you look like you haven't been yourself ,is there anything I can do to help " Laksh asked sincerely, it was his cousin who helped Laksh and Ragini when others were offended by their lies ,and Laksh owes it to Sanskar for his present happiness .

           " She was crying " Sanskar words made Laksh aware how much it crushed his cousin to see his wife in tears ,he probably shouldn't have mentioned it from the way his cousin face fell.

            " I made another ill time confession , I said the three words way too soon apparently " Sanskar spoke a little later when Laksh had held on to his silence giving his cousin the chance to either confide or not. 

                Laksh was bit taken back at the reason behind the trouble , he would have laughed if his cousin didn't look wretched , the man was suffering for saying he loved his wife . It seem to be his fate as even the last time she had  taken it  the wrong way.

                   Later that night ,Laksh held on to his wife and told her what he learned from his cousin, he expected to be praised at the least a smile from his wife would have made him feel better for invading on his brother privacy ,instead she was giving him a glare .

            " Are you a fool Laksh ,you should have never mentioned me or the fact Swara had been crying ,what will sanskar think . He will think of us as meddling into their lives " Ragini spoke up and he wonder if his wife had split personality due to pregnancy . 

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