Chapter 3: " Talking to Him"

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            Hi guys , back with an update .Hope it lives up to your expectations.


Few hours ago

              Swara waited nervously as Niharika existed and Sanskar entered the house , she noticed that he had carried a file in his hand .


            She waited patiently for him to speak up ,as she knew it won't be her who starts up the conversation ,after all the time she lashed at him ,including the last time where she went to the extent of slapping him . She was nervous as the thought she might be wrong had taken a firm place in her mind

      " Swara, I wont be able to say everything i want in fifteen minutes.  When Doctors advised us to not over burden you with information ,we thought it was best for you not to know about our marriage.

        As  you had a misconception about me which was evident when you taught i was the one who tried to kill you . But hiding things from you didnt seem to work at all, you found out all the things we didnt tell you at the wrong time from the wrong people.

  Now you feel like you cant trust me the one person you used to trust more than anyone in the world. So i am sorry Swara but today i have to talk about everything but do let me know if you are not feeling okay at anytime i will stop immediately. Your health is more important than anything" Sanskar spoke up first and swara realized the truth behind his words , she never gave him a chance to explain before and she decided this time around she will listen and then will talk ,so she nodded her head in answer and waited for him to continue.

            Sanskar knew to gain Swara trust words won't be enough ,so he  gently handed over the file to her and waited for to take it from him and she took it from him with slight hesitation .

       " I know you wont trust me unless you saw some proof. So here you go this is the FIR copy of your accident. It long and you can take it and read it later , but just read this last part i highlighted, it clearly says i shot Rajat,not Swara. And it also states i was deemed not guilty because i shot him to save my wife and that would be you.

     So how can i both try to kill you and save you at the same moment. Plus look at the witness statements. Can you see the names that include your sister and father  .Do you think all this people saw it wrongly .

       And you were the only one right. Or you think they would be cold hearted enough to support me if i did shoot you. Also the report indicates they closed the case thinking you were dead.

     To this whole world you were dead Swara but not for me.I knew you would be alive. See those posters of missing persons and the advertisement in the newspaper for missing persons in the file .

       The police refused to search for you and only waited for the news if a body was washed ashore , as to them i looked like lunatic trying to keep thinking his wife is alive and not accepting the fact she is dead.  

       Even my family thought i was crazy to believe you were still alive Swara. But i knew that you were alive. And so I searched for day and night to find you.  As fate would have it when I finally got to meet you , it was to hear you accuse me of trying to kill you  " he spoke up and swara knew what he said made sense and yet she can't  forget he paid goons to harm her either .

         " What about the goons , I saw you pay them from my own eyes " she spoken up and hated the accusation in her tone . 

         " I only handed them the cash that fell from their pocket Shona , I know you won't believe it ,so I have went and found some CCTV camera in the park. The pics aren't that clear but if you check the last page in the file ,you will see the photos in sequence "  Sanskar spoke up and Swara immediately turned the pages to find the one he mentioned . It was a series of screenshots from the cctv footage which proved that he was speaking the truth .

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