First i love you

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You and Scott were curled up on the couch cuddling under a blanket. You were snacking on popcorn, candy, and soda while watching your favorite movie. Scott had his alarm around your shoulders and he was now looking at you.

"What"? you asked smiling and looking into his puppy dog eyes.

"Nothing" he said shaking his head. He looked back down at his laptop.

You kissed his check.

"I love you Scott".

"I love you too (Y/N)"


You and stiles were sitting on a bench in the park. You were sharing some ice cream. It was mint chocolate chip both of your favorite flavor. When you went to take a lick stiles pushed it up into your face smashing all of the cold, sticky ice cream all over your face. He burst with laughter.

"Stiles" you screamed laughing" oh my god I hate you"!

He tried wiping it off of your face but instead his hands just got sticky and you two were a hot sticky mess. You leaned in and gave him a peck in the lips. He told you he loved you. you were shocked by you knew you loved him too so you said it back.


You were looking out the large window in Derek's loft watching the night time rain. Suddenly the door sung open revealing a very tired looking Derek. He had a scraped check and a split lip. It wasn't bad compared to the other things he has dealt with.

"Oh my gosh" you said jogging over to him. You out one hand on his bicep and the other on his shoulder crouching down a little to look at him.

"I'm fine" he said brushing you off.

He stormed into his room. You followed him to find him laying on his bed. You laid down next to him and you fell asleep. When you woke up Derek was looking at you. You tried to flip over and face the other way but Derek pulled you closer to him. He stared down at you and began to speak.


"What" you said looking down

"I'm sorry, about last night I was just upset and you have every right to be mad at me but I just want you to know... I love you". he said " with all of my heart and..."

You cupped his face and crashed your lips on his. When you pulled away you told him you love him too.


You and were on your Friday night date(you tried to have a date once every two weeks). He had brought you to his and now your favorite pizza parlor. You had just finished your pizza and now you two were walking to Liam's car. He put his arm around your shoulders and you put your arm around his waist. He turned and looked down at you just as you turned your head to look up at him. You gave him a kiss.

"I love you (Y/N)"he said keeping his lips close to yours.

"I love you too liam" you said just before kissing him once more.


"Isaac"? you called out

"Right here angel" he said softly kissing your neck

"Isaac how many times have i told you not to sneak up in me like that!" You said

"Sorry I can't help it I'm naturally quiet" he said laughing a little

"Did you need help" he asked

"Yeah. I can't reach that" you said pointing to the book on the very top of

Your bookshelf.

"I got it babe" he said pulling the book down.

He handed you the book and lifted you up in his arms. You wrapped yourself around him while he kissed you.

"I love you Isaac" you said

"I love you more (Y/N)" he replied looking deep into your eyes

💖Jackson & Aiden-

Jackson and Aiden had told you he loved you when you weren't even dating in fact that's how you two got together. Now he says I love you all the time.

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