"You're lucky that it's your first rut otherwise it would've been a total chaos." She placed a glass of water on the table and a pill on Karma's palm. "An alpha in rut in a school full of students and your omega friend next to you! Next time, take a leave for a week and think what might've happened if you were not in your first rut!"

Karma actually had the decency to look guilty. Nagisa couldn't help but sigh exhaustedly, finally identifying what the quintessence of the problem was, before turning towards Shizumi with a grateful look, "Thank you for the advice and I think that Karma understands now." He nudged the unmoving red head who suddenly jolted and nodded immediately.

Shizumi turned a pale shade of pink as she realized that she had spoken too much, "I just got too worked up because of his carelessness but.." Her chocolate brown gaze met mercury ones in the most stern way she could muster (which wasn't very stern, mind you), "Please don't come to school again when you're in a rut, alright?"

Karma nodded before finally taking the pill and drinking the glass of water. She turned towards a computer at the corner of her room before typing something on it and her furrowed eyebrows softened.

"Okay, then. I've informed the principal about your condition so you can take a leave for the next few days until your rut finishes completely. And you!" She pointed at the petite bluehead beside Karma, "You, especially, shouldn't be around him in his rut. Alphas turn very hormonal around this time and even if you are his lover or something, I won't allow you to be near him in his rut."

Nagisa turned scarlet at her implication, the hidden meaning behind the words not lost on him as he squeaked out an 'okay', not bothering to correct her by saying he wasn't his lover.

(Although that sounded really nice-)

"Well, off you go to your home and Shiota-san can go back to his regular classes."

They exited the room after the checkup and Nagisa sighed as soon as they stepped out of the room, "Hah, you should've said that you were in.." He paused before emphasizing, "that to me earlier."

Karma grinned, "Why, were you worried?"

Nagisa huffed, folding his arms maturely, "Of course I was."

"Well, at least I got a short holiday for myself out of it~"

"Of course." Cue the sweatdrop, "What was I even expecting from you?"


After the short incident, Nagisa made it his job to track Karma's rut as they came around thrice in a year, meaning they were to come around the next third or fourth month.

"You worry too much Nagisa~" Karma had said, and he was probably right. (But with a friend like him who wouldn't, honestly.)

And according to what he researched in web, which he would never reveal to Karma, an average alpha had their rut about 2 or 3 days and Karma had his for 3 days so the next one should be just around...

"Nagisaa..." Karma whined, drawing his name melodiously, distracting the other from his calculations. Nagisa turned towards Karma with an annoyed look on his face.

(And he had to hide the fact that he was secretly very pleased by the way that he had drawled his name.)

"What is it now?" Karma poked his cheek with a pencil as he said, "You looked like you were off to another world while writing something on your notepad."

Nagisa slipped his notepad inside his pocket, laughing it off, diverting the topic to another subject in order to hide the fact that he was writing and tracking Karma's next rut. God, when did he turn so creepy?

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