Fight begin:Let me love you!

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It's been a month since Shisuri started training me for the attack...

I think it's going well. Besides medical techniques, she thought me one more jutsu. I have abnormal human straight!
It's so cool and it's technique which use Lady Tsunade. Literally, I punch the ground and it feels like earthquake!!!

When I showed that to Naruto and Sasuke they stayed silent. They didn't know what to say.
Naruto was like: ,,Sakura-chan.. I'm never gonna make you mad again..".
And Sasuke smiled and said: ,,That's my girl.".
Ayyyy! I'm so damn happy!

My parents... Well I wanted to show them this technique, because it's a first technique that somebody thought me, and I was really proud of Shisuri and me.
But my parents didn't have time to see it.. unfortunately.
Anyway, I'm used to it so it doesn't matter!

These days were expecting Akatsuki.
Ninjas evacuated all citizens from the village, so when Akatsuki attacks we'll be ready to fight!

few days later

We heard sirens for emergency!

,,Akatsuki!"- one ninja at the gate start yelling.

Our team was on position to fight, close to gate.
Besides us, there was team 8 too, and Itachi and Shisuri should come any minute.

,,Ready?!"- Naruto looked at us and smiled.
,,Of course!"- Sasuke and I yelled.

Kakashi-sensei smiled.

And there they were...
The 9 of them.. Akatsuki!

They attacked in a second..
After a moment I didn't see 9 of them anymore, there was only 5?

,,Go!"- Kakashi-sensei told us.

The three of us start running towards them. But they all look the same? I guess.. I mean, they were like one person, like really bad clone jutsu.

But don't let it fools you.. they're strong!
We started fight.
I could see that Sasuke and Naruto have hard time after few minutes.
Same goes with me..

I saw Itachi and Shisuri running towards us.
They start fighting too.

As you could expect, Itachi was too good.. I'm empress.. Shisuri too.
They are some powerful couple!
I wish that Sasuke and I... someday.. could be like that..
This is not time to think about that!

Team 8 came too. Hinata, Kiba and Shino.. they are some power team!
Their team work is amazing!

Everyone start fighting and protecting the village.

two hours later

I saw Lady Tsunade with her assistant standing right behind us.

,,Lady Tsunade what are you doing here, it's too dangerous!"- me
,,Sakura! You must go to your clan, now!"- lady Tsunade
,,W..what?!"- I was shocked, but I couldn't say anything because I was still fighting.
,,Go!"- lady Tsunade

She said that and then punch my opponent.
She start fighting, and I was shocked but I didn't have time to think about that. I run towards my clan.
They were at 2nd row.

After few minutes I got there, and I saw it...
My whole clan..GONE!

All members of my clan were killed.
They were all laying down in a blood.

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