Searching: Watch out!

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Sasuke's p.o.v.

We are in the forest. We know it will take 3-4 days till we get to the village Hidden in Clouds.

I finally know where Itachi is, after whole year, I'll finally find him!
I'm so confused... How will I react when I see him? Or what will happen?
Of course we'll fight, but how will he behave, will he be cold or maybe nice..? Ahh...I can't think like that!
He massacred our whole clan! How can I imagine him being nice to me?! And even if he was nice, I won't forgive him, that's for sure!

,,Sasuke-kun?"- Sakura called me.
,,Hm? Yes Sakura?"- my thoughts are interrupted, I was confused.

She looked at me a little sad. Like she knew how much I think about everything. Like she knows everything about me.

,,Sasuke-kun...I'm with you."- she said with a smile.

My heart just skipped a beat.
Ah Sakura, what are you doing to me... Every moment I love you more and more..

,,Thank you Sakura."- I smiled too.

I feel so much better now. How she does that? Sakura succeed to clam me down just with a 3 words and one smile..

,,Sasuke you bastard! I'll fight you when all of this end, clear?!"- Naruto yelled behind us.
,,Yeah! I can't wait to kick your butt!"- I replied.
,,We'll see that! I can't wait to test my new jutsus on you!"- Naruto
,,I have some new movements too, so let's see who is stronger."- me
,,It's a deal!"- Naruto

They're all here. Even Shisuri! I thought that she run away from me after massacre,but she is back now.
I wonder who Itachi will behave with Shisuri around... he probably won't expect her.

I mean it's been a year, and Itachi joined Akatsuki...

I remember when Shisuri came to live with us. I was 13.
And look at us now.
We're 15 already.
And Itachi and Shisuri are 19!

Everything changed from then...

3 days later

,,We are here!"- I said.

We were at the gate of Village Hidden in Clouds.
All of us just stared at the gate for a few seconds, because on the other side of that gate is he..

,,Sasuke-kun.."- Sakura took my hand.

I smiled at her. I'm so glad because she is with me. Without Sakura, I'm not sure how would I take all this.

,,Sasuke, are you ready?"- Shisuri asked.
,,Yes, definitely!"- I said.
,,Then what are we waiting for?"- Naruto
,,Let's go!"- Sakura

Sakura walked besides me, and Naruto and Shisuri little behind us.
The village is huge!

,,Where should we looking first?"- Naruto
,,Hmm...I'm not sure."- me
,,If we ask some villagers they might be scared, of they find out that Akatsuki members are here."- Sakura
,,Yes. We must look for him ourselves."- Shisuri

The four of us walked through the village. People looked clam, so they probably don't know about Akatsuki's being here.

I heard that Akatsuki members are looking for jinchuurikis. Naruto is the only jinchuuriki that I know, besides Gaara, because we find out that Gaara is no more jinchuuriki.

Apparently, those Akatsuki members who attacked Gaara steal his one-tailed beast. They can do that, but I don't know how..
And what's worse, when they steal the tailed-beast from your body, you die.
That's why Gaara was dead when Naruto,Sakura and Shisuri found him, but luckily that granny saved him.

We must be extra careful because of Naruto, Itachi already knows that he's jinchuuriki.

,,They're not in the village, let's go to the wood close to village at check there."- Shisuri
,,You really know this place."- Sakura
,,I've been here couple of times."- Shisuri
,,You're awesome!"- Sakura
,,Thank you, but I'm really not hahaha. We are girls, we should steak together."- Shisuri
,,I agree!"- Sakura
,,Hey, Sasuke and I exist too!"- Naruto

We all laughed.

,,We know, we didn't forget you."- Shisuri
,,I hope so."- me
,,Come on guys, don't take that serious!"- Sakura

We headed to the wood, and we just talked and laugh. I guess we all need it.

,,Here we are"- Shisuri
,,Be careful from now on."- me
,,Got it."- Sakura

We walked... deeper and deeper into the wood.
I saw a crow!

,,Watch out!"- me
,,What's wrong?"- Naruto
,,Crow... It's Itachi's."- me
,,What?!"- Sakura
,,Yeah, Itachi can control crows.."- Shisuri

In that moment I heard Sakura's voice.

,,S..Sasuke-kun.."- Sakura barley said.

I looked at her. Sword was stabbed in her back.

,,Sakura!!"- I yelled.
,,Sakura-chan!"- Naruto

The blood started feeling from her mouth.
She fell, but I catch her and I hold her into my arms.

,,Sakura! Sakura look at me! Sakura!"- me,,When this happened?! We didn't saw or sense anything! Who is there?! Show yourself!!"- Naruto start yelling, he was so pissed

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,,Sakura! Sakura look at me! Sakura!"- me
,,When this happened?! We didn't saw or sense anything! Who is there?! Show yourself!!"- Naruto start yelling, he was so pissed.

,,'s okey.."*cough - Sakura
,,Sakura stay with me! Sakura! Don't close your eyes!!

She closed her eyes slowly.

,,Damn, open your eyes! Please...Sakuraa!!"- me

Some of you don't know how Shisuri looks like. I already explained in one chapter, (Rescue mission: Village Hidden in Sand), how she looks like and where can you find out about her story with Itachi and the Uchiha family.
Shisuri Nai has long brown hair and light green eyes. She's Itachi's years. They, of course, already know each other, as you could see from one part of this chapter, Shisuri lived with Itachi, Sasuke and their family.
The rest you know where you can find out about her and their story!!!

Love ya all!

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