Massacre:Wrong choices!

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Sakura's P.O.V.

It's been few weeks since we got back from Village Hidden in Sand.
We training since then, and actually we are very good.
Our team work is better and we're getting along so well, and I'm so happy! Sasuke is really great now and he trains so hard, like Naruto, but I'm not bad ether.

Sasuke's P.O.V.

It' been weeks since we got back from that "mission". My brother came home few days after that and he brought someone with him. That's that girl, Shisuri Nai... she now lives with us. It was so annoying at the fist! I hated her because I thought that she is some girl who's in love with Itachi.

But it turns out that she is really good person.. Shisuri is so kind and generous. And actually Itachi and Shisuri are in love!! Could you believe it! I'm so happy for them.
I mentioned Shisuri to Naruto and Sakura once, and they were interested in her, but because she has to meet Hokage, I didn't have time to introduce them with her yet.

Anyway, besides them, I'm starting to get along with Naruto and Sakura very well. I'm going now to meet them, we will go and follow Kakashi sensei today. We really want to find out what is behind his mask!! I meanz why would you wear a stupid mask EVERY DAY if it's not for covering something?

I went to the Academy where we suppose to meet.

,,Hey Sakura!"- I said.
,,Sasuke-kun! I guess we have to wait for Naruto again.."- she said laughing.
,,Ahh again! I swear I'll kill him! He always late!"- me
,,Hey! Watch your mouth!"- Naruto yelled behind me.
,,Finally!"- Sakura

Naruto was running towards us.

,,Well we're all here, so it's time to begin!"- Naruto
,,Okey. But where is Kakashi anyway?"- I asked.
,,I have no clue."- Naruto
,,WHAT?!"- Sakura and me
,,But this was your plan! You must know where he is so we can follow him!"- me
,,Yeah!"- Sakura
,,Hehe...well you see... I kinda lost him... But it doesn't matter, we'll find him again!"- Naruto
,,Greate job idiot."- me
,,Hey who are you calling idiot, moron?!"- Naruto
,,Hey you two! You always fight like this! Shut up and let's start!"- Sakura yelled seriously.
,,Okey.."- Naruto and me
,,So we must split up and find him."- me
,,Yes. So how to split?"- Sakura
,,You and me can go this way(I show to the north with my finger) and Naruto can..."- I was talking but Naruto interrupt me.
,,No way! It'll be faster if we all split. Sakura you go to the north, Sasuke south and I will go west. And if anybody sees him use yours radios to let others know!"- Naruto
,,Got it. I'm going."- Sakura said, and then she left.

When Sakura left Naruto came closer to me and said:

,,Do you really think I'll leave you alone with Sakura?"- he smiled.
,,Nice move, but don't blame me if we accidentally end up together."- I answered.
,,We will see."- Naruto said and leave.

After that I leave too.

Few hours later...

So we end up following Kakashi all day! And in the end we found out what's behind the mask... Ironically, behind that mask is... another mask.
Yeah.. we waisted our time for nothing! Ah...I'm disappointed in some way, I'm not gonna lie.

So I'm going home now, it's around 11p.m. anyway.

I came in front of the gate of the Uchiha clan, but it was kinda strange actually... I start walking towards my house, and I noticed that in each house the lights were off..
I come in my house, and I was looking for Itachi or mother.. because I knew that Shisuri had some mission in the other village, Itachi told us yesterday about it.
But it looks like nobody is home. I looked at my parents room.... And then I saw it...

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