Cha 12: The successor

Start from the beginning

"We're going to be something very important today" everyone held their breath and waited for what he would say. "We are going to select class representatives"

Everyone let out a breath of relief. They were finally doing something normal. What was normal anyway, they all thought. Just then everyone raised their hands and yelled "pick me!" Izuku having ended becoming like his father didn't quite like the attention and didn't really want to be a class representative.

He sat there and let out a breath of relief. "You'll be voting for who you want to become the class representatives so write down the name of who you want and place it in this box" Aizawa-sensei said placing a box on the front table.

"Oh yeah problem child..." He called to his son. Problem child? Everyone thought as they all sweat dropped. Who could that be that wondered "yes dad?" The class dubbed sleepy cinnamon roll/silent killer replied.

"Someone wants to see you so after your done go to the teachers lounge"

"Ah, Yes!" The boy said and walked out placing his vote in the box.

Why did he call him problem child. Almost everyone thought but Ururaka just giggled.


In the teachers lounge Izuku came face to face with Almight. "How are you doing young Aizawa" Almight said in his true form. "Were you the one that wanted to see me" Izuku asked looking somewhat worried and confused.

"Yes I was the one who asked" Almight replied and motioned for the boy to take a seat before him

"It only been a for a few weeks but young Aizawa I've seen your determination. Tell me why you want to become a hero"

Izuku didn't know where this was going or why the number one hero wanted to speak to him, but to be asked why he wants to become a hero meant telling the pro hero his past. But he already told a friend and he felt lighter and so he began.

"When I was younger, my mother and father(Hisashi Midoriya) always told me to follow my dreams. I want to avenge then but more importantly I want to prevent such things from happening to anyone else"

"I want their smiles to remain the way they are. I'm grateful for what happened after though, I got meet my real dad and train beside him and meet other heroes but I may be an Aizawa by blood but I'm still a Midoriya. The two people who had raised me and cared for me unconditionally till their last breath I will make sure to keep my promise to them" Izuku said clenching his fist and looking at Almight in the eyes.

Almight smiled his signature smile and transformed into his muscle form and pointed a fist at the boy. "Right answer" he said with his booming voice "Young Aizawa I want to make you my successor"

Izuku looked at him dumbfounded. "What?"

"I want you to inherit my power one for all" Almight said

"Wait you can't be serious. Why don't you think this through Almight" Izuku said trying to clam down from the shock so he could process what was happening to him.

With a poof Almight returned to his normal form. "My time is running out and I need a successor. With the short time of knowing you..." He said pointing at Izuku "I have seen a heart for more heroic than any I have ever seen. Doesn't your body move on its own"

Izuku nodded "that is what makes a true hero. It is instinct. To protect. To be selfless. To sacrifice your own being before your mind even can process what is being done"

"But Almight, the quirk I inherited from my mother's side"

"I overheard your conversation with young Bakugou" Almight said. Izuku stood frozen on the spot. He knew so why? "I had gone to try and comfort the boy but you did an even job. I know your friend will hold up to his promise when the time comes and I wish to also prevent it. With one for all it can strengthen 'suppress' while giving you power as well."

"Be the hero all your parents wanted and want you to be. Be the surprise that your scary father raised. Be the hero you want to be. We all know you can do it. Doesn't your Deku mean that"

Izuku was done with this emotional rollercoaster. He let the tears fall freely. "What do you say young Aizawa" Almight asked one last time.

"Yes!!" He said his posture straighter with the brightest smile that he had in his arsenal that could melt the coldest of hearts.

Almight smiled and ruffled the boys hair. "You are already a good vessel but after I give you I'm pretty sure you father is going give you another hell to help train you"

"At first I had though you were quite skinny for your age but then I learned you were quite lean and so I'll give you one for all right away"

"But you'll have to give my quirk back first" the number one hero said noticing his quirk was gone. Izuku let out a chuckle and flicked his forehead.
Izuku stood straighter as he imagined how the quirk would be passed on. Almight transformed into his muscle form and pulled a strand of hair from his head.

"And now..." he said and looked at the young hero in training.




"I used to be a responsible teenager" Aizawa Shouta told his class. Izuku didn't know what to make of this information. All of a sudden Iida put his hand up and looked at his teacher. One hand across his chest and another doing his air chopping movement.

"I'm sorry sir but my brother had said that you, him and Present Mic sensei had gotten three life bans from three different supermarkets because he pushed you two around in a shopping cart at full speed and crashed into a food cart"

The whole class went quiet and sweat dropped. Izuku all of a sudden stood up and yelled sudden realization hitting him like a bus "THATS WHY THOSE MANAGERS KICKED ME OUT!!!!" Bakugou couldn't help and smirk and everyone else were glad they weren't related to this insomniacs.

"Don't worry Aizawa-kun I know how you feel" Iida said walking up to him. He had the same disappointed look. He too probably go kicked out.

"I don't know what you brats are talking about and tell your brother shut his mouth"

His denying it but just defended. The class thought and sweat dropped.

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