The "Real" World

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Severus has just graduated Hogwarts and goes home. For some reason his mom isn't there and he's forced to talk to his father.


Severus sighed deeply as he got off the Hogwarts Express for the very last time. He looked at the train and his thoughts wandered off to those long seven years at Hogwarts.

It was away from home - which was a good thing in his case - but he was still surprised about how he had managed to survive it. Literally.

Now he was free to do what he wanted. He'd most likely go on that potion scholarschip he'd gotten for his outstanding work in potions each year, but there was one thing left to do before he could do that.

He couldn't go without going home to his mother, let her know he graduated, maybe stay there for a while and tell her what he wanted to do.

Even though he never truly enjoyed being home, his mother had always tried to make it as good as possible for him. It was the selfish, alcoholic prick, aka his father, who always ruined it for the both of them.

Really, if he could've taken his mother with him to stay at Hogwarts and leave his father behind at Spinner's End, he would have done it.

He got shaken out of thoughts and noticed he was standing in the middle of the platform when someone bumped his shoulder, making him stumble backwards.

He managed to keep himself upright, quickly muttered an apology without looking and then rushed to the apparation point.

Just a little while more... Just a little while left of surviving in the presence of his father, and then he could enjoy whatever he wanted to do afterwards.

He closed his eyes briefly and sighed as he arrived at the apparation point. Holding his suitcase a little tighter, he swallowed nervously and disapparated.


He felt his heart pounding in his chest when he first saw the cold, dark, but oh-so familiar street full of identical brick houses after stepping out of the alley he had apparated into.

Besides the fact that it seemed to rain almost constantly, there was always some strange fog around the neighborhood from the old factory nearby, which made it seem even more sober.

He was unlucky this time as well, since the rain was pouring from the sky even though it was at the time of year where it usually would be close to warm outside.

Severus sighed and, while hoping he would have more luck at home, quickly ran to his parents' house. He squinted his eyes slightly because of the rain and then, after taking a deep breath, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

When the door opened, Severus wasn't really happy to see his father in the opening.

For a second, both of them didn't have a clue on what to do. After a short silence, Severus decided he'd have to do something...

"Father." He said, nodding his head slightly in greeting and at first feeling a bit foolish, until his father did the same thing, mumbling a quick, "Severus."

Severus swallowed and shifted his weight to his other leg uncomfortably. "May I... come in?"

His father solely nodded, letting go of the door before making his way through the hallway, to the door to the livingroom and passing through it.

Severus stepped into the house, dried himself quickly using his wand and then stored it securely back in the inside pocket of his robe, placing his suitcase down and following his father to the livingroom.

Severus Snape One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now