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"Steve -- "

"Hmm." He didn't want to get up. He wanted to stay exactly where they were, but Bucky was already sitting up in bed and Steve groaned. It was early Tuesday morning, and Bucky was still sore, taking it easy, but he was home now.

"Get up, you can't be here when they come in," he said in hushed tones, turning on his side to look at him. Steve mumbled something and sat up, his head sagging onto his chest.

Bucky kissed his cheek, and tilted his face to look at him. Steve looked at him through half-opened eyes, his bedhead a mess. Bucky smiled a little and kissed his forehead.

"Come on. I'll come over later, okay?"

"You will?" Steve looked uncertain about that for a second, but nodded. "Okay."

He nodded as Steve pulled on his sweater, then rolled out of bed and quickly got dressed in the same clothes he'd wore yesterday. He attempted to smooth down his hair but decided he'd leave it for when he got back home.

"My parents are at some convention today," he recalled as awareness came back to him.

"And evil grandma?"

Steve rolled his eyes and defensively folded his arms. "We all think she's outlived her stay," he muttered. Bucky smiled a little as a joke came to him.

"At your house, or on earth?"

Steve cracked a grin and looked away, shaking his head. "That's a bad joke," he finally said, smiling over at him. Bucky smiled and shrugged in defense, trying to fold his arms but quickly realising he can't. He tried not to think about it.

That was how he was dealing with the no arm situation. By not discussing it.

"Well, I think I can come over. Through the front door, that is," he said with a sheepish, embarrassed look. "It'll get back to normal soon enough."

"Just take it easy," Steve warned. Bucky rolled his eyes but nodded his head yes.

"I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay, Buck."


"Ma, I'm goin' over to see Steve, that okay?" Bucky poked his head into her room. Winifred wasn't feeling well again, but with all the fuss with her son, she didn't feel the need to bring it up. Now that things were beginning to calm down, Winifred had allowed herself to rest a little.

"Okay, dear," she agreed. "You tell him from me that we hope he's doing okay."

He smiled. "I will. I love you," he called as he headed downstairs. Winifred smiled weakly and coughed into her arm, took a deep breath, and coughed harder.


"I baked a cheesecake," Steve said as Bucky carefully made his way inside. He grinned at that, tilting his head.

"Aww, I didn't know you could make that."

"I can't, so," he said, turning around with a flourish, "I asked my mom to make one, and she also wrote you a card."

Next to the cake was a folded card addressed to Bucky. Sliding it open, he scanned what was written there.

Bucky -

I implore you -- understand that my mother grew up in a specific time, with particular beliefs. We were raised on what she said, so again, I'm sorry about last year. Know that I think nothing like her now -- you are a good, generous, quality young man, and I wanted you to know what I truly thought.

Regards, Sarah

"Well," he hummed and handed the card to Steve. "I think I see some growth," he joked, and ignored the lump welling in his throat as he was reminded that he was indeed accepted.

Steve could only smile at that, a little proudly.

They sat on the couch after eating a slice of cake each. Bucky was thankful he lost his left arm, not his dominant one.

There was always something good, somewhere.

Bucky leaned back against Steve's chest and they settled in. Steve turned the channel to the cooking channel, which he knew Bucky loved.

"Listen," he said finally, voice quiet. "I'm gonna be stronger from now on. I don't like being scared all the time, and I sure as hell hate when others hurt you," Steve said. "So whatever you need me to do, I will."

Bucky looked up at him. "Steve, give yourself a break." He sighed. "Something tells me that it's okay to be human from time to time. We fall. We get back up. We keep going." He tilted his head. "That's what I want you to do for me."

Steve nodded. "I will."

Bucky nodded back and turned his attention to the screen once more. Steve held him close and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

He kept an arm around him and rested his head against him, closing his eyes. Bucky turned his head and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for being here for me," he whispered. Steve smiled at him and kissed him gently.

"Always, Buck," he murmured, and Bucky kissed him back, tilting his chin so he has better access.

Steve carded through his hair and Bucky twisted to face him, hesitantly cupping his cheek. Steve's breath hitched a little and he kept his eyes closed, despite the spike of anxiety going through his system telling him to always be aware.

"Buck -- "

"I got you," he said softly, smoothing his thumb along his cheekbone, his eyes soft as he studied him. "You're safe, Steve. I've got you."

He kissed him again and relaxed into the moment. There were no abusive relatives here, no physical trauma, no sadness -- it was just them.

Outside, the Rogers' were stepping out of the car. Joseph hesitated as he saw the tv through the window, and the blurred figures of the two boys on the couch. Sarah walked up behind him.

"Aren't you going to open the door, darling?" Sarah struggled with the bags she'd gotten. He turned to his wife.

"The boys are in there," he said. Sarah kept walking, and Joseph gently grabbed her hand. "Let them have this, hon."

Sarah paused, and nodded. Joseph smiled and raised his eyebrows teasingly. "How about I take a lovely lady out to dinner instead?"

Sarah sighed exasperatedly, but couldn't help the smile that spread across her face.

"What a gentleman," she crooned and kissed his cheek. "Come on, then."
They piled back into the car and took off for town, leaving the two at peace.

"I love you, Bucky Barnes," Steve mumbled, brushing loose strands of hair off of his forehead. Bucky smiled gently and kissed him intently, cupping his cheek.

"I love you too, Steve."

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