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Most epic adventures start somewere grand maybe in a mystical tomb or on the steps of a palace, i thought it was rater fitting mine started on a fishing boat. Three weeks i had been cooped up on this stupid boat, three weeks of having nothing to do but stare at grey seas and grey skies and if i got so lucky, maybe some bursts of pouring rain. Just because father made me take the long way, to avoid sea serpent bay, at this point I would welcome a battle with a horde of sea serpents to get rid of my constant bordom. I was heading on a diplomatic mission to make my mother bring her army raiding Messia with us. When posed this idea, I was the first one to point out how unfit i was to be sent on a diplomatic mission, or any mission that didn't involve hitting someone with an axe. But father had said that he had total faith in my diplomatic capabilities and besides,there was nobody else who could go so it would have to be me. Sometimes it was hard to remember why my father was hailed as such a brilliant battle tactitian half the reason why the name Ravenbourne still strikes fear in the hearts of men. The other half is the ruler of the island I was currently sailing towards.

After my parents got divorced, my mother went to her ancestrial home of Tarrakona, one of the Dragon Islands. She was already beloved there as a fierce sheild maiden and quickly gained power eventualy becoming ruler. The island was similar to my home, the sound of clanging metal and fishermen selling their wares a comforting fimiliarity. The big difference was the amount of people with slightly pointed ears, the only noticable trait of the people of Lorath.

I calmly strode into my mother's hall. A gentle smile spread on her face the second she saw me. "Eerika", she said, striding over and pulling me into a tight embrace. When she finally let me go I got a chance to compare how we looked. I had her warm brown eyes and broad muscled frame, but instead of her inky black hair i had the fiery red curls i got from my father.

"To what do i owe this visit?" She guided me to the large oak table in the center of the room. "I'm here on a diplomatic mission," I recited sarcasticaly. "Oh", she sighed. "Well it seems we will need some ale for this discussion", she waved her hand and a handmaiden poured some, "so what does your father want now?"

"He wants you to come raiding with us... to Messia." Mothers eyes widened, "even for your father that's a stupid plan", she shook her head. "Does he realise that Messia is a walled city? And that they have magic to defend themselves?"

"But mother, the continent of Lorath is in cvil war, Messia is without its army and supplies, they will not be expecting an attack from the north. Even at this moment, another soldier rides to Ryker with the same message. That would make three Nkarian armies. Its a sign from the gods, why else would we be presented with such a golden opportunity? Together we can take all they have and go down in history for being the only ones capable of doing so." Mother rolled her eyes, "You're so like me when I was younger; so eager to fight a war you can't win just for the sake of fighting."

"But we can win!" I shouted, "we have everything on our side: the numbers, the better warriors, the suprise." Mother laughed, "you forget one thing ... They. Have. Magic."

"Magic can be destroyed as well as anthing ." She shook her head slowly, the hint of a smile on her tanned face, "I wonder if it's my determination or your father's stubborness that makes you act this way?" I smirked back at her, "I'd say a bit of both." She chuckled. "Fine. I will send my army raiding with you. But there are two conditions; first, I will not go with you." I started to protest but she cut me off, "my duty first and foremost is to the people of Tarrakona and they need me here. Secondly, you will bring your sister Tawny with you; it would do her some good to see a battle field." I nodded. "Now go and rest, you'll be needing it after three weeks on a rickety boat...It may be the last proper bed you rest in for a long time."

I was guided to my old room from when i used to come and stay here as a child the nostalga washed over me simultaniesly homely and strange. I used to visit every summer to see my mother and new baby sister but as it became clearer and clearer that my father wouldnt be having any more children i visted less and less. He said he would 'make do' with his only heir being a girl giving me extra training in fighting and battle tactics despite his advisers protests. This was it the chance to prove that father had been right to trust me as his heir. I got into bed and listened to the sounds of the waves and the smell of the sea there was a time when they would have been comforting but now it felt wrong somehow like i was a intruder not prvy to their ways i suppose in a way i was. I turned over trying to shut out those thoughts and focus on the posatives. Tommorow i would see my beloved sister again and if the rykens joined us surely os would be there too eventualy i drifted of with images of tawny eyes and infecious smiles putting me at ease.

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