Announcement: Kuro on Amazon KDP Select October 1, 2014

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Hey guys, I realize it's been a while, since this book saw an update! 

I wanted to drop everyone a short note to let those who are following this book that I have decided to publish Kuro through Amazon's KDP Select Program.

There's good news and bad news there, so I'll launch into the bad first:

The biggest piece of bad news is that Kuro will no longer be available on Wattpad! :(

Part of the KDP Select requirements is exclusivity, so Amazon needs to be the only place it will be available on. I have tentatively set the deadline for the book to go offline on October 1st.

I have also decided to split Book 1 into 3 episodes each with the custom cover art that you've seen here, so please watch out for that revamped 3-episode version!

Now for the good news: I am going to be publishing Book 2 on Wattpad shortly for those of you who have really supported me through all of this! Yay! I appreciate everyone's patience on this. 

Also, fear not, lovers of Book 1, I will also be holding free promotion days where I give out copies of Kuro in the new 3-episode format for FREE. So please make sure you follow me so you'll receive the announcement.

I only ask one deep, deep favor from my true fans:

if you LOVED, and I mean LOVED Kuro, or otherwise like me as a person and would like to support me as a writer, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - download the Kuro books when I give them out for free and GIVE ME A REVIEW!!! Reviews and downloads are to Amazon what Votes and Comments and Reads are on Wattpad. In other words, they determine the rankings on Amazon!

It's a dream of mine to be able to write full time, and though I absolutely love my current job, I would give it up in a heartbeat if I could write full time. I love writing and building worlds, so just think of how many more awesome stories you'd  get from me if the Kuro books do well! So if you've enjoyed my stories, please take the effort to help me out with a review. I really appreciate everyone's support! 

Oh, and MAKE SOME NOISE!!! Let me know what you guys think and feel on the direction I'm taking this. Let's start the Kuro 2 party right here! :D

Faithfully Yours,

Mike "help make my dream come true" Limjoco :D

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