Chapter 24.5: To Tame a Tikbalang

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He felt the ground tremble underneath him, heard the thunderous sound of the powerful hooves hitting the earth as the Tikbalang hit its stride. Kulas reached behind into his pack and withdrew the coil of thick rope he had been carrying. He had seconds to do this. His heart raced wildly, as he raised his right arm carefully, his fingers moving deftly, trying to make a noose with the rope. This was harder to do with one hand.

He hung on for dear life with his remaining hand. He thought his arm was about to burst from its sockets, but his pride refused to let go. Fortunately, the Tikbalang being on all fours actually helped him. He was in riding position, with his legs comfortably wrapped around the Tikbalang, further securing him to the beast.

He lowered the rope carefully below his legs, praying he would not be so clumsy as to let it drop completely. He did not know where the Tikbalang was taking him. They had travelled a pretty good distance by this time. He felt like the rope had lowered enough. It was time to spring the trap.

He swung the rope slowly, taking care to see that the noose did not catch on any other object.

"Patience now," he told himself. Then it happened. He managed to get the noose around Suleiman's right arm. He pulled up his arm with all his might, tightening the noose as hard as he could.

Suleiman came to a screeching halt as the noose tightened, his arm caught on the rope in mid-stride. The sudden stop threw both Tikbalang and rider several feet into the air. There was a loud thud as Suleiman connected with a Balete tree. Kulas crashed into the ground and slid several feet farther, happy to be alive.

He felt pain shoot through his right shoulder. It was probably dislocated at this point.

He switched to his left hand and carelessly let the Dahong Palay drop to the ground. He cursed his stupidity.

He stood up again, stubbornly refusing to surrender. The Tikbalang stood up and menacingly approached.

End of the line. Without a proper weapon, and without the use of his sword arm, it would be a quick death. Still, he thought he would put up a fight. He reached down to grab the Dahong Palay.

"That will not be necessary, young one." It was Suleiman's voice.

"Now you shall find out the secret that every man on Mystika knows."

The Tikbalang walked up to Kulas slowly until he stood face-to-face with him, looked him in the eye and stretched out a hand.

Puzzled, Kulas look up to Suleiman in bewilderment.

"Taming the Tikbalang is not about the rider's victory over the steed. It is about the Tikbalang choosing the rider. You prove your worthiness to us. Our bond is for life, young one. Because of that, we must choose the rider most worthy of the sacred bond, for we cast our lot in with yours, as you do with ours. For one so young, you are very brave. I accept you as rider."

Kulas shook the massive hand and smiled with satisfaction. The Tikbalang he had chosen was truly fit for a king. His newfound companion would accompany him for the rest of his life. He would have plenty of time to build the relationship.

"I thank you, Suleiman. I have the utmost respect for the Tikbalang and I am pleased you have found me worthy. I will do my best to ensure that I live up to your expectations as a rider."

Suleiman nodded, his giant muscles rippling, the heavy mane looking like a fearsome carapace in the darkness. "It is late. You must present me to your people, as is customary. Let us head back to your kingdom."

Kulas nodded. Suleiman went down on all fours, Kulas saw the large hands balling up into fists as the Tikbalang lowered itself to the ground and motioned for Kulas to mount. Kulas looked around the ground and smiled in satisfaction as he spotted the Dahong Palay a few feet from him. He went swiftly to retrieve it and then hopped on the Tikbalang. He felt a sense of exhilaration. He was a man now, no longer a boy.

The Tikbalang neighed loudly and went off, carrying its rider home.


All - thanks for bearing with this admittedly strange chapter, though it looks like quite a few of you enjoyed it.

We return to our regularly scheduled programming after this - back to the main storyline we go!

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