Chapter 9.2: The girl who could make Sunlight

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Mykall shook his head and smiled. "I am happy you are enjoying the meager meal I hastily put together."

With that, Mina smiled good-naturedly and continued on with her story. "I practiced for weeks because I had been planning to surprise Joab. With the light that I had at my fingertips, we could save all that money that we had to spend on electricity and fire. I was very excited to show him."

Mina's expression darkened. "But when I finally showed him, he wasn't pleased at all. He was angry, then frightened. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, as he said 'Oh Mina, this is no gift at all. Rather it is a curse.'" Mina paused as she sadly recalled Joab's tearful eyes.

"Joab made me promise never to use my power again. He told me that I was to keep it locked away, a secret I would take to my deathbed." Mina was silent for a few minutes after that, looking downward. For a few moments, all that could be heard was the sound of the fire and the wind whistling outside

"Joab said this was for my own good, that if the government ever found out about my powers, I would be taken away and I would never see him again. Since then, I have hidden the fact that I have blonde hair. I have never come across another person with hair of my color or with the power I seem to have."

Mina turned to Vannah. "Until I met you, I have never heard of the prophecy or of anything pertaining to it. Joab kept all of that hidden from me. I was shocked to hear of the Maiden and the prophecy."

Mina's eyes filled with tears. "Back then, I could have protected Kari and the other girls, but I chose not to. The promise I made to Joab held me back." She paused and shook her head. "No, no, it wasn't that. It was my fear that held me back. I was afraid of what the government would do to me. I knew in my heart that Joab was right. Once the government found out about me, I would never know peace."

Tears now streamed freely from Mina's face. "I...I let them die. I could have saved them. Their death is on my hands." Mina turned to face Vannah and Mykall. Her small arms covered her frail frame, trying to fend off the cold. She shivered despite the fire. "When it was just the three of us left, I realized I could not hesitate any longer. I couldn't stand idly by and watch more lives get taken and not do anything about it. I will never let anyone else come to harm without acting."

Vannah looked at Mina intently. It might have been the light, or the emotion that she had been feeling throughout, but Mina thought she could see sadness in Vannah's eyes, a deep sorrow that was not discernible before.

Mykall rose briefly, throwing more wood into the fire. He took a small stick and used it to stoke the fire, remaining quiet the whole time. His face was pensive, difficult to read.

"We all make choices we regret, little one." Vannah said softly. The opal eyes were gleaming as they turned to slits. "What is more important is that we move forward. What's done is done."

Mina's eyes brimmed anew with tears. Those were wise words. She looked upon Vannah in the light of the fire. The young girl was frail, almost sickly, the threadbare clothing hanging over her like a blanket. Mina wondered where her strength came from. Vannah had very strong convictions and was mature in her views of the world. There was such strength in her eyes.

"So what do we do now?" Mina asked, breaking the silence.

"We head for Umi," Vannah continued.

"By now, the government has surmised just that from the direction we are travelling. They will send forces there, presumably a strong enough force to apprehend you." Vannah smiled again, Mina was unsure if the smile was genuine or mocking.

"But," Vannah continued, "before we get there, I have a few surprises of my own," she added coyly. "The two of you have been very interesting. I am glad I ran into you both. Would you be interested in a story I have to share?" Vannah then asked, as her mysterious eyes turned to slits. "It will have to wait. For now, we rest."

Vannah turned to Mina. "That is enough storytelling for the night. Enjoy your meal, little one. You have earned every morsel."

Mina smiled at Vannah and Mykall. She took another sip of the water. She smelled the roast rabbit once more. She could get used to this. The warmth of the fire, a bellyful of rabbit and the companionship of friends. She took another bite and chewed carefully, all the while smiling contentedly.

For the first time in many years, she didn't worry about what tomorrow would bring.

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