Chapter 10.4: The Yami

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"Do not speak in riddles, Felicia, tell us what you know." Zentar urged.

Felicia laughed, a rich, throaty laugh. "Ever the crude and impatient one, aren't we, Zentar?" She smiled again, enjoying the angry look that Zentar shot her back. "No, I am relishing this. I will take my time." Felicia walked slowly around the board room. Equal to these men, Felicia Silverstath was the only woman in the Council. She was known by reputation as the Silver Witch, a name she had earned because of her psychokinetic powers. It was Felicia who had given birth to the Warlock Units. Felicia's powers were the closest Taiyou-Shi had to magic. As cold and calculating as she was beautiful, the formidable combination made her both feared and revered.

"There was another girl in the group. Based on the reports that we received, she had a rather interesting reaction to the light from the Vessel." Felicia turned to the men in the room. "She fell to the ground, as if cut down by it. She was clearly suffering. She was almost..." she stopped to pause for effect. "Yami-like." She laughed again.

The room was now completely abuzz. Sergei looked around and sighed. He was going to need more of that drink again.

"Felicia, enough games. Get to the point." Arkus said, trying to get the room to calm down. Sergei had the tips of his fingers touching each other, forming a triangle shape. This was his standard position when we was deep in thought.

"Gentlemen," Felicia said, "we all know what I am hinting at. It is her. It has to be her."

Sergei shook his head. "You are pushing this too far. You are connecting far too many dots. Are you saying the Dark Priestess has somehow decided to reveal herself again, at this time, after having gone in hiding for the last two hundred years? Why would she do so at this point?"

Felicia laughed again. "Sometimes, the times dictate the arrival of heroes, gentlemen."

"It would appear that action is required of the Council," Arkus continued, his flowing robes following his every movement. "What say everyone in this room?"

"We need all three of them alive. That presents quite the conundrum," Sergei began. "We cannot send Soknar's cookie cutter police force to capture them. They would just be shredded to pieces."

"Gentlemen, there is only one correct course of action for this matter, " Felicia began. "We need to send the Four Horsemen."

Sergei shook his head. "It is too reckless. You take far too many risks, Felicia." He stood up from his chair and put his finger down on the fine wooden boardroom table to make his point. "The Four Horsemen will not go along willingly. And they have an extreme distaste for the Council."

Felicia smiled. "That is why I am going with them. My psychic powers will keep them in control. There is far too much riding on this for us."

Soknar's eyes squinted, his leather face and evil eyes forming an eerie visage in the darkness. "If Felicia goes on this mission, then I will agree to it. What say the rest?"

"I do not like it." Sergei began. "But under the circumstances I do not see another way to do this. If the three have powers not born of science, we need something similar to match them. I am in agreement."

It was Zentar's turn to speak. "I know why you volunteered to undertake this mission. In my mind, your judgement is clouded by your personal vendetta. I do not think that this will end well for you. You must be at peace Felicia, before you can seek judgement against the past. That said, I am in agreement."

Arkus nodded. "And I am casting my aye in as well. Felicia, you will lead the Four Horsemen on this mission to capture the three and bring them under our wing. But I am afraid I must lay one more burden upon you. We will need to see what they are capable of. Test their mettle, let us see what powers they have. Bring the full force of the Four Horsemen to bear upon them, but do not kill them."

Felica smiled. "I was planning on that from the beginning. In any case, if it is indeed Vannah Searra von Talthys who accompanies the Warrior and the Maiden, killing her would not be an option anyway. One cannot kill what is neither living nor dead."


TO BE CONTINUED. You guys, I am SO EXCITED, because one of Kuro's best parts is up next!

No really, prepare yourselves. The Vannah Arc is coming!!! I can't believe you guys stuck around! But, these next few chapters are really, really something I'm very proud of. Enjoy the next few chapters :D

Thank you for reading!

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