Chapter Two

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I woke up to my alarm going off. Each and every day I wake up I hope that it's all just a bad dream but then reality kicks in and I'm not sure what's the point in dreaming that it's only a bad dream.

I felt groggy and nauseous, seconds later I was throwing myself out of bed to race to the toilet just in time, too.

Gosh, I've only been throwing up for about a week now and I'm already over it. Whoever named morning sickness — morning sickness, they are such cold hearted people because I can assure anyone who asks that it is not just in the morning.

"Honey are you feeling okay?" My mother screamed through the door as she lightly tapped.

"Uh-uh yeah, I-I think I've just got the flu or something." I stuttered.

"How about you stay home today? Your father and I have to work but Allen will be home to keep an eye on you."

"Okay, Mom. Thank you." I said as I started throwing up again.

"Hope you feel better sweetie, I'll leave some Motrin on the table for you. Take it with some water and toast."

As I finished vomiting I stood myself up and held my ear to the door to confirm if I was alone upstairs or not and I darted for my room before anyone could speak to me.

When I'm nervous or I'm lying I start stuttering and sweating like I just ran three miles on a hot sunny day, and that's mainly the reason why I always get caught in my lies.

Thankfully they haven't caught me, yet.

I grabbed my phone from the table beside my bed and dialed Maria's number and waited as it rang over and over again.

"Hey, I'm not going to school today. Will you grab my homework for me?"

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Are your parents making you miss school?" She said fast.

"I'm not telling my parents, not yet anyways. And nothings wrong, I'm just sick. Remember?" I rubbed my hand on my forehead. Maria has a thing for stressing me out when it's not needed in the slightest bit.

"Kiera I really think you should tell your parents." She said distantly.

I ran to my door and quietly shut it and turned on my tv loud enough so my parents don't hear our conversation.

"What am I supposed to tell them? 'Hey, Mom and Dad. Remember when you told me not to have sex until marriage? Guess what, I had sex. Oh and I'm having a baby.'"

"I know, Kiera. But the sooner the better, you need to see a doctor."

Call ended.

Whether it was the pregnancy mood swings or just Maria in general, she was irking my nerves and hitting every annoyance spot that could be hit.

Like I don't know I have to go see a doctor? Like I don't know that I have to tell my parents? Like I don't know I have to tell the guy who is going to be a father? Having my best friend be stuck on repeat with the same thing everyday really starts to get to you.

I tossed myself on my bed and laid flat on my back and covered myself head to toes with my blanket. I wanted to shut the world out, my family, my friends, everyone.


"Don't push, not yet."

"I can't do this, I'm only sixteen I can't have a baby." I cried out.

My stomach is burning and my back in aching with a horrible pain. My legs were propped up in the air and my vagina is exposed for the world to see.

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