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Kagura: H-Hikari??. I looked at him with the kendama still in my hand. Kagura: I-I u-uh. I started to feel nervous. I can't believe he heard it. I dropped the kendama then ran past him into my room locking the door.

                                -Hikari POV-
Kagura: I-I u-uh. Before I could say anything she dropped my kendama and ran to her room. I picked up my kendama and ran after her but her room was locked. I decided not to bother her I went back to my room then slept thinking about her.

-Morning Kagura POV-
I woke up still thinking about last night. I put on a white long sleeve shirt and black skirt with boots and put my hair in low pigtails. I looked in the mirror. Kagura: You got this you just need to talk to Mio. I walked out of my room to be greeted with Right and Wagon San. Right: Good morning! Kagura: Morning! I gave him a smiles to hide my nervousness. Then I saw Mio.

Kagura: Mio I need to talk with you! Mio: o-ok. I dragged her to the bathroom. Mio: So what? I explained everything to her. Mio: It can't be that bad now he knows you like him. Kagura: But what if he doesn't like me back. I started tearing up. Mio: You okay Kagura?! Kagura: It's j-just if he doesn't like me our friendship will be awkward. Mio: I'll tell you something you have made an impact on him.

Kagura: What d-does that mean. Mio: You made him smile by your cute jestures and when we were little you made him smile by just looking at you having fun. Mio: So I'm sure he likes you. Kagura: Don't tell anyone yet ok! Mio: I promise now let's go out there and own it!

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