"Pathos?" Bernádett wrinkles her nose. "Dracula woos you with foreign words."

"He was schooled by the finest scholars in the world, better than any noble in this court."

"Education is a grand thing but there are other paths to wisdom. Mine is knowing that actions, not words, reveal a person's true nature."

I am about to rip up the tract when I have an idea. "I'll keep this." I'll need Aunt Erzsébet-like confidence if I hope to succeed. "Good night."

Bernádett extinguishes the lanterns and gets in her cot at the far side of the room.

I toss and turn. Two dreams disturb my sleep. The first is the feel of Vlad's gentle kiss through the handkerchief. The second is the tract's grisly illustration. Kisses and torture. Both send shivers down my spine. I cannot reconcile the two Vlads. One is flirtatious and sensual. The other, cold and sadistic.


I wear the blue dress with white flowers and lace. It's perfect for the daunting task ahead of me.

"My lady."

This task is of my own making, and yet I am compelled to do it. For him.

"My lady."

Perhaps it is naïve to think I can help, but I am determined to try anyway.

"My lady."

I blink.

"You seem distracted." Bernádett weaves a shimmering strand of seed pearls into my braids.

"I'm thinking about the upcoming wedding," I lie. Again. But this time it no longer tastes sour.

"I'm glad you've had a change of heart about della Scala."

"I am resigned to a loveless marriage." I arrange the lace draping from my sleeves.

Margit pokes her head through the doorway. "Busy?" She walks in and casts an approving eye at my new dress. "Are you wearing that when you sign the wedding contract?"

I shrug. This dress has a more important function.

"It's very pretty on you." Margit cocks her head and taps her chin. "You ought to sew della Scala a shirt to show your devotion. Shall I send twenty-yards of linen to you? That might be enough to cover his belly."

"Della Scala has an olderbrother who also needs a wife. Shall I tell Matthias to arrange a dual ceremony?" My lips coil into a sarcastic twist.

Margit pretends to gag. "My maidenhead is already promised to Prince Vlad Dracula."

"By the time Matthias pardons Prince Vlad your maidenhead will be as old and shriveled as Aunt Orsulya's." Chin up, I stride from the room.

"I will pray for your soul." Margit's retort echoes down the hall.

Margit's taunt doesn't bother me. Well, not too much. I have another soul in need of my assistance.

I enter the royal chambers after the guards announce my presence and find my unwitting target at his desk.

"Cousin, come forward." King Matthias sets his quill in the inkpot and smiles politely.

I kneel before him. "Your Highness."

"Arise, Lady Ilona." Matthias dismisses his advisors, opens his arms, and we kiss on both cheeks. "Let me guess, is this unexpected visit about your upcoming marriage to della Scala?"

"Quite the opposite." I slip the slanderous tract about Vlad from my sleeve. "My loyal servant gave me this."

Matthias casts a quick glance over it and scowls. "What of it?"

"I am afraid for Margit."

Matthias cocks his head. "Afraid forMargit or ofMargit? Because you certainly have no fear of Prince Vlad. In fact, you and he danced many times last night."

"I-I-I fear the tract's consequences." The art of scheming does not come naturally to me. My hands tremble and my voice, tight. "If everyone believes this slander then Margit's future match to Prince Vlad will be viewed unfavorably."

"I did not realize this was still in circulation." Matthias rubs his flaxen-stubbled chin and leans back in the chair. "Luigi della Scala arrives any day. Does this please you? Or did the Berserker of Wallachia steal your heart?"

"I..." I swallow, my throat dry with embarrassment.

"The time to default on the marriage agreement is long past." His rebuke is spiced with honey and vinegar.

I brave an innocent smile. "My only desire is that my family can be present at my marriage in Genoa."

"Your words are sweet to my ears, Cousin Ilona, unfortunately your eyes betray you."

I open my mouth to speak but King Matthias holds up his hand.

"Do not, sweet cousin, do anything rash between now and your wedding day. It will displease me and result in unpleasantness for Dracula."

"I would never do anything to dishonor you or Hungary." My voice is gilded with astonishment.

We hug goodbye and I depart, my heart lighter knowing my good deed is accomplished. Matthias is now aware that Dracula's reputation needs improving.

Feeling as crafty as Aunt Erzsébet, a smile swells my cheeks. What a pity I will never be a princess. I rather enjoy scheming.

Pushing Prince Vlad and our impossible love from my mind, I concentrate on more pressing matters—the ring ceremony, final fitting for my dress, and learning protocols from the Genoan envoy.

The Genoan wedding will be tedious. The contract must be signed, the ring ceremony performed, gifts exchanged, and my dowry transferred to his villa. All this must be done before I am considered lawfully wed.

"Ilona." Aunt Erzsébet waves from a cedar bench across the hallway. "I've been waiting for you." She pats the empty space beside her.

I sit, expect a discussion about wedding etiquette.

Aunt Erzsébet twists her green vesuvianite ring. "I have the most distressing news about your servant."


Thank you for reading! The Impaler's Wife is now available on Amazon ( ebook and paper) and B&N Nook. 

The novel is 450-pages long. Writing a historical novel requires countless hours of research and an unflagging devotion to write after work, every weekend, and holidays.  Often my primary sources for research are expensive out-of-print books by the foremost historians on the subject. As much as I would love to give my books away, it is just not something I will do.  Creatives give up a lot ( free time, what's that?)of time, energy, and money to pursue their passion. The price of  a latte is not too much to ask for hours of reading enjoyment.

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 More novels about courageous and amazing women in history are coming this year!

I will put up  25 chapters of The Impaler's Wife. If you like it enough, I hope you will buy it.

Thank you!!!

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