Chapter 10

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A/N: Hello! Welcome back to another chapter, hope y'all enjoy!(Warning! Smutty scenes ahead!)

"Damnit! Can you two stop sucking faces for one second?!" The angry blonde Russian cursed. He eyed the couple across the table from him, who were drunk and making out.

"But I love my Yuuri~!" Victor said, half naked. "I want to kiss my Yuuri~!" He hugged his fiancé closer, and kissed his lips over and over again.

Yuuri just laughed and kissed Victor back. This made Yurio yell out in frustration and embarrassment. They were still at a public restaurant. But thankfully they were put in separate room. That didn't mean that Yurio and Otabek were any less embarrassed. And at this point, the two men were stripped down to their underwear. This made the two younger men face palm.

"Why are we here, again?" Yurio complained as Yuuri and Victor continued their kissing.

"At least they aren't sad anymore." Otabek pointed out. "But I do agree, we should take them home before it gets too far."

Yurio nodded and got up along with Otabek. "Hey! You two! Let's go!" Yurio yelled to the happy couple.

"Maybe when we get home we can do it~" Victor slurred into Yuuri's ear, slowly brushing his cheek.

"I can't wait~." Yuuri slurred back, bringing Victor closer to him.

"Come on, you two assholes!" Yurio grabbed the two men by the hand and dragged them out of the restaurant.

                        *   *   *   *   *
The two figure skaters stumbled into their room, not keeping their hands to themselves.

"Me and Otabek are staying somewhere else! You two asshats are disgusting!" Yurio shouted before he shut the door.

The two older men ignored him and continued their tongue battle. They both moaned and sighed into the intense kiss, feeling each other all over.

"My beautiful Yuuri~" Victor moaned as they finally made it to the bed. Yuuri laid on his back while Victor stared down at his drunk fiancé, who was panting and already hard.

"Victor~. Come here.~" Yuuri slurred to his fiancé, who did not need to be told twice. He got above Yuuri and held his hands above his head. He snaked his hand from his fiancé's hair to his underwear, where he stopped and looked Yuuri in his eyes.

"Victor! I can't wait any longer!" Yuuri moaned, pulling his own underwear off. Victor just stared at his absolutely breathtaking fiancé.

Victor pulled his own down as well, then without warning he grabbed Yuuri's member, waiting for a response.

Yuuri moaned out in pleasure as Victor slowly pumped his hand on his cock.

All Yuuri could do was moan out his fiancé's name, his voice getting needier and his hips twitching as his lover got faster.      

Victor couldn't just sit back and see Yuuri in  pleasure without him, so he took both of their dicks in one hand and pumped harder. The two men moaned each other's names and said incoherent things.

The Russian leaned down and deeply kissed Yuuri, Who responded by moaning louder. Victor got even faster as he felt a deep desire emerge from within him. He kissed a line from Yuuri's lips down to his neck. He bit at the skin there, leaving a hickey. He did that a few more times, which made his lover moan louder.

"V-Victor!" Yuuri moaned, hips bucking against his will, pressure built up in his lower half. "I-I'm about to-!" His words turned into moans as white liquid got on both of their abdomen's.

Victor soon followed as he shouted Yuuri's name.

The two men stared at each other, both panting. Victor leaned down and kissed Yuuri one more time with his bruised lips.

Before the two men went to sleep, Victor cleaned them up and then laid on his lover.

"I love you, Yuuri~"

"I love you, Victor."

                          *   *   *   *   *

Yuuri woke up to feel a weight on his chest. A very heavy and naked weight laying on him. He opened his eyes to see his beautiful Russian fiancé, Victor, who was snoring on his chest.

This made him feel so very happy. Victor was sleeping on his chest—


Why were they both naked?

And why could he not remember anything from last night?

All he could do was stare at Victor and hope he woke up soon so he could interrogate him.

He waited for about 30 minutes, trying his hardest to remember what happened.

All he remembered was a feeling of euphoria, like he was flying into the heavens.

But now he has a massive headache and nausea.

What did they do last night?

Did they actually have sex? No. They couldn't have. Victor would not allow it to go that far, right?

He did understand that Yuuri wanted to make the loss of his virginity special, right?

He waited a little bit longer and Victor still did not wake up. Yuuri didn't want to wake up his lover, but he had to know what happened last night.

Yuuri gently brushed his fingers through Victor's soft hair. He hoped this action would be enough to wake up the Russian, but it was not. He was still snoring peacefully, with a smile on his face.

Yuuri shook Victor's shoulders gently and whispered his name.

"Victor....Victor, wake up." He heard the Russian groan in frustration as he hugged Yuuri and put his face in the crook of his neck.

"No..... Just go back to sleep....." Victor whined.

"But we have to talk About last night." Yuuri whispered, but Victor clearly wasn't listening.

"Victor...." Yuuri sighed as he put his arms around his fiancé. But the Japanese skater had a trick up his sleeve.

"Vitya....." Yuuri whispered seductively into Victor's silver hair.

The Russian immediately looked up straight into Yuuri's eyes. He grabbed his lover's face and smiled.

Victor kissed Yuuri softly. "Say that again!" He commanded happily.

"Vitya?" Yuuri replied, kissing him back. "But, Vitya, I think we need to talk about last night."

Victor sighed as he sat up, looking at his fiancé's naked body.

"Please don't stare at me." Yuuri covered up his private parts and looked away, embarrassed.

"Awwwh! You are so cute, my Yuuri!" Victor leaned down and touched their foreheads together. "I love you so much!"

"V-Victor...we need to talk about last night!" Yuuri gently pushed Victor up.

The Russian found their underwear and new clothes. They changed quickly and then sat down on their bed.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Yuuri asked, scared of what he might hear.

Victor sighed, "I do. But it's not a big deal."

"Victor! If we had sex before we are married, and I don't remember any of it, then it is a big deal!" Yuuri fumed as he tried to calm down. Victor looked surprised and hurt. Yuuri looked over and immediately felt bad.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a virgin, you know that. And I'm sensitive about the topic." Yuuri sighed as he grabbed Victor's hand.

"Tell me what happened last night."

A/N:Hey! What do y'all think so far? Tell me in the comments! Thank you all for reading, have a good day!

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