Chapter 7

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A/N: Hello! Welcome back, are y'all ready for two special guest to show up in this chapter? Let's begin!

Victor sat there, brooding about his breakup with the 'love of his life'. He thought about all of the things they had been through together, how could Yuuri just leave?

His thoughts were interrupted when the doorbell rang. Victor got up and hoped to god it was not Yuuri, he could not handle to look at his face without crying.

He looked through the peephole, and saw a very familiar face.

"Open the door, asshole!" The angry Russian yelled on the other side of the door.

Victor opened the door to Yuri and his boyfriend, Otabek.

"Wow, you like shit." Yuri said. Yes, Victor looked and felt like shit, his eyes were puffy and red from crying.

"And whose your boyfriend, Yurio?" Victor pointed to Otabek, who blushed.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Yuri hissed, and glowered at Victor. "And his name is Otabek."

They stood there for a couple of seconds before Victor realized they wanted to come in. He moved so that they can walk through the door.

"What the hell happened? Where's the piggy?" Yurio asked as they walked in.

Victor sighed. Maybe Yuri can help him understand Yuuri's situation.

"He- He broke up with me." Victor confessed, feeling like he's going to cry again.

"Oh...fuck....sorry to hear that." Yuri knew how emotional Victor can get. It was no wonder why he looked like this.

"Why? I thought you two were the perfect couple." Otabek said, clearly surprised that they are not together anymore.

Yuri agreed with him. "You were all over each other, it was disgusting. But why did he break up with you?"

Victor sighed again, frowning at the thought. "He said he needed time to think our relationship through. I-....I don't really understand what was wrong with him." Victor started to shed tears, remembering his and Yuuri's breakup. "I just wish he would have talked to me."

Yuri saw how bad Victor was hurt. "Where is that damn pig?!" Yuri asked, enraged.

"I-I don't know, maybe you could call him?" Victor suggested, wiping his tears away.

Yuri pulled out his phone and speed dialed Yuuri's phone number.

"Hey, Pork Cutlet Bowl! What did you do to Victor?!" Yurio yelled into the phone.

"Uh- I uhm- broke up with him?" Yuuri said, making it sound like a question. "Why? Is Victor okay?"

"What?!" Yurio roared. "Of course he is not 'okay'! You broke up with him! Apologize!" Yurio held the phone out to Victor, which he took.

"Uh-uhm. I-I'm sorry Victor. I really am. I didn't mean to just leave like that, I hope you will forgive me?" Yuuri apologized.

"Yuuri," Victor began, making Yuuri flinch on the other side of the phone, he had not expected Victor to respond. "I don't know if I can forgive you. You broke my heart, and I don't know if there is a way to fix it."

Yuuri sighed, wishing he had not broken up with Victor. "I know. But i will come there tomorrow and talk, if you would like." Yuuri suggested.

"Okay." Victor agreed, handing the phone back to yurio.

"Hey! You hear that Pork Cutlet Bowl, you better be here tomorrow or I will drag your ass here!" Yurio hissed into the phone, hanging up.

"Me and Otabek will go shopping while you work things out with the piggy." Yurio  said. "And if something goes wrong, just call me to kick his ass."

"Thank You, Yuri" Victor croaked, still heartbroken over talking to Yuuri.

"I think we better go to sleep, it is late." Otabek pointed out. The other two agreed.

Victor thought about seeing Yuuri again all night, he was very anxious of what the future may hold.

A/N: So, what did y'all think? Will they get back together, or stay broken up? Hope y'all enjoyed, have a good day!

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