Chapter 8

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A/N: Hello! Are y'all ready for some major feels? I know I'm not!>_< Please feel free to comment and vote, let's begin!

Today was the day. Yuuri was coming over to talk to Victor. Would they actually make up? Or will everything just crash and burn?

Victor was by himself, Yuri and Otabek already left to go shopping. God, he very much hoped this was all a misunderstanding. He loved Yuuri and would take him back if he asked. But would Yuuri want to come back?

His thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at his door. It was Yuuri. Victor knew that he did not like to use the doorbell for some odd reason.

Victor reluctantly went to the door and looked through the peephole.

It was definitely Yuuri. He looked nervous too. His usual well kept hair was a mess, his eyes were trained down at his fingers, which were playing with the bottom of his shirt. He looked like a complete and utter mess.

But Victor still thought of him as beautiful, handsome, alluring, captivating. Victor could think of a million more words to describe how Yuuri looked.

Those words don't describe how Victor felt towards him right now. Victor felt like he had his heart ripped out, and now Yuuri is asking for forgiveness. Can Victor really forgive Yuuri?

Victor unwillingly opened the door. Yuuri smiled sympathetically towards Victor. Victor ignored it and moved aside for Yuuri.

Yuuri walked in and immediately apologized. "I'm sorry for everything, Victor. Is there any way that you will forgive me?"

Victor thought about it for a minute. "If you can tell me exactly why you broke up with me, I might forgive you."

Yuuri sighed, then sat down. Victor sat next to him. "I-I have been having negative thoughts. I don't really understand them myself, but I-I.... I am not good enough for you..." Yuuri looked to his feet and started to shed tears. "I have never been good enough. I think about all of the people I'm stealing you from, and I can't take it! I-I really do love you! So much! But all of the pressure to be the right person for you is why I broke up with you." Yuuri was full on sobbing now, tears were running down his cheeks like a marathon. He looked back at Victor and saw he was crying too. "This is what is best for us, do you understand now?"

Victor looked offended, he grabbed Yuuri by his shoulders and pulled him to where their noses were almost touching. "Yuuri. I. Don't. Want. To. Hear. It." Victor growled, while Yuuri cowered from him. "You say all of this without even wanting to hear what I have to say? I love you so much, it hurts to see you like this. You are more than enough for me, you are perfect the way you are. I don't care what people think, you are the right person for me, Yuuri." Victor grabbed the back of Yuuri's head and pulled him in to a hug. "I love you so much."

The pair sobbed into each other's arms. "I love you too, I want to be with you, Victor!" Yuuri howled, hugging Victor tighter.

"Then let's be together." Victor urged, pulling Yuuri closer.

Victor pulled Yuuri's face to meet his, then gently pushed their lips together. At first it was a soft kiss, then Yuuri pushed up to meet Victor and grabbed at his hair. Victor moaned and bit at Yuuri's bottom lip. Yuuri opened up to Victor, and their tongues fought for dominance. Victor won the battle and pushed Yuuri to lay on the couch. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, until they needed air.

Victor and Yuuri were breathing the same hot air. Victor kissed Yuuri from his lips to his collarbone, making Yuuri groan.

"God, you are so beautiful, I love you." Victor whispered, kissing Yuuri's lips once more.

"Wait." Yuuri said, sitting up. "I have this for you." Yuuri fished a round object out of his pocket and gave it to Victor. Victor smiled brightly.

Yuuri put the golden ring back on Victor's finger, they kissed again.

"I love you."

A/N: YAAAY!! I get to write fluff instead of angsty stuff, I am so happy! Tell me what y'all thought, have a good day!!

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