A Very Glee Christmas

Start from the beginning

"I'm pretty sure they just added food coloring to real slush from the parking lot." Mike sighed.

"You can eat that, you know." Lauren replies. I grimace.

"No, no. I am not gonna let you guys throw yourselves a pity party. Look, I'm the first one to say that things haven't turned out exactly how I would have liked them to this year, but Christmas is all about being grateful for the things that did." Mr. Shue starts off his inspirational speech.

"I thought that was thanksgiving." Noah mutters.

"And this year, glee club is going to lend a hand to the mckinney-vento homeless children and youth program right here I'm Lima." Mr. Shue informs us.

"How are we going to go that?" Rachel asks quietly.

"The only way we know how- by singing about it. We're going classroom to classroom." Mr. Shue adds.

"Wait, classrooms like in this school? With like, students in them?" Tina asks hesitant about this.

"Well if there are no students in them, there will be no one to put money in the collection box while we sing." Mr. Shue laughs as if the question was just silly.

"We're gonna get killed." Quinn says.

"Of course we are! Instead of giving us figgy pudding they're going to be giving us slushees; in the face." I shout in distress. People nod in agreement but I hear Noah chuckle and place his hand over my mouth, pulling me to him.

"No, guys, it's christmas... a time for miracles. We got to try this." Finn says growing determined. I knock Noah's hand away.

"Finns right. So let's start rehearing. This year, glee clubs going full Santa.

We start singing in our first classroom the next day and they start throwing insults at us. The teacher even throws her shoe at us. We book it back into the safety of our choir room. I sit next to Mercedes and eat the popcorn she and Mike are suppose to be putting on a string. I laugh as Lauren grabs some too.

"I can't believe that, that teacher let those students speak to us like that." Rachel complains.

"I can't believe she threw her shoe at us." Noah adds making me snort.

"I guess we're done caroling." Tina she says with conviction.

"No, we're not guys." Finn says. I scoff.

"Would you like me to throw more shoes at your head so maybe you'll get the message?!" I argue with him. Finn sighs.

"Well, we cant let what just happened ruin our Christmas spirit. Mr. Shue got us this beautiful tree to inspire us. We're gonna practice now, and gear up for round two tomorrow." Finn says in a no arguing kind of tone.

"Pretty soon, no one will bully us. Santa clause can do anything, and this year, I asked for the flee club to stop getting picked on." Brittany says.

"She's kidding right?" Lauren asks. I shrug.

"Guys, this is serious. Listen up." Artie says. We all move slightly more away from Brit and huddle around Artie.

"Brittany still believes in Santa clause." Artie confesses. We all kind of stifle our laughter.

"You cannot be serious." Mercedes speaks up.

"Last week, Brittany beloved a comb had magic powers." Sam added to show this was in-fact serious.

"This is kind of a pattern." Artie says.

"She's gonna find out sooner or later." Quinn says softly.

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