Ch. 63 - Unexpected News

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I yawned, grabbing my phone from my purse and quietly exiting the room, checking my screen to see that Robin has left me messages and missed phone calls.

I stopped in my tracks.

She must be worried. I know she was probably going to sleep over at my house and wait for me to come back from my date, but I didn’t even text her to let her know I’m still with Justin. I opened up our chat conversation and briefly explained why I didn’t come back yet, and then I reached the living room, where I realized that no one was up yet.

I saw that the couch was empty, meaning that Alfredo had probably left to go do something.

I wonder if it’s Scooter-related.

Deciding I didn’t want to wake anyone up, I went into the kitchen and poured myself some milk with cereal I found nearby. I then took the bowl with me and sat down on the couch Alfredo had slept on before I turned on the television.

I was surfing through channels until I found that they were giving TMZ early in the morning. My eyes widened as I stared at the screen.

“Check this out! Apparently, Justin Bieber has found himself another side hoe. Unfortunately, we think we’ve seen her before when she hung out with the popstar earlier on this year. Her name is still unidentified so she’s still Ms. Mystery Girl for now,” one of the announcers was talking about Justin in a really obnoxious voice.

The screen changed and pictures of Justin and I last night was up for everyone to see. And I bet this was already a trending topic on Twitter. No, scratch that. A trending topic everywhere.

Apparently, there were paparazzi sneakily taking photos of us on our date and we weren’t even aware of it. As TMZ scrolled through the pictures, you could see Justin and I walking, having dinner, laying under the stars and even messing around on the beach. I couldn’t believe my eyes. That was a very personal moment for the two of us. They couldn’t have left us alone? Not even for our date? When did they even begin to follow us?

I set down my bowl of cereal on the table in front of me, once again grabbing my phone and checking Twitter real quick.

Just as I suspected, Justin and I were a trending topic.

#JustinsMysteryGirl was trending.

#biebersidehoe was trending.

#Justinbiebersnewbitch was trending.

My body went numb.

I’m… all over the internet. They know who I am, just not what my name is.

After a while, my fingers began moving on their own and I scrolled through the tweets. It was nothing but hate. Pure hate. I felt my heart skip a beat every time I read people talking about how I’m a slut and a gold digger and that I only want Justin for his “fame, money, and dick.”

They didn’t even realize that I’m one of them. I’m on their side. I’m a belieber—therefore their family.

Why is my own family hating on me? What did I do that was so wrong? Love the same person they do? I just want to make him happy, just like all of them want. They want to see him smile, and so do I. We’re all on the same damn boat.

So why are they calling me names? Why are they saying I’m some side hoe, or a thirsty bitch, or stupid slut? Why am I looked down on?

I reached my hands up and touched my face, instantly discovering I had been crying this whole time.

This must be what this Katie girl feels like. This must be what she hears people saying about her all the time. My heart aches for her—it really does.

I wiped the tears from my face, quickly locking my phone and storing it inside my pocket. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and put on my hoodie before standing up and shutting off the T.V.

I felt another tear slide down my face as I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my sweatshirt and exited the hotel suite, my heart feeling heavier by the second.


So sorry this was shorter than usual, I’ll try to make it longer this weekend. It’s literally been like a week of school so far and I’m already busy as fuck, it isn’t fair :(

Well, what did you guys think? Poor Jackie, huh?

This may or may not end well…

- Nina xx

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