Chapter 40

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William and Emily had arrived at home during the day and the family took a little walk around their neighborhood and most people wouldn't recognize Emily nor William as they looked like any other couple.

"Oh he's so grown William look at he's chubby little cheeks of he's" she said as they stopped by a bench and had a seat.

"Awe Georgie mommy isn't going anywhere without you now okay my baby is turning three months old in a few weeks aren't you little cutie" she said blowing raspberry kisses at the gurgling baby.

"Would you look at that is that uncle Harry? " William said looking at Harry who seemed to be failing at disguising himself.

"Harry I told you that If you want help finding a good disguise you come to me I'll buy you hair dye and we'll turn you into a blonde... maybe? " she said laughing and getting up to hug Harry.

"I think brunette would help him fit in although I don't think it would work for him"

"Haha you two...I came to give my favorite nephew a little toy" Harry said pulling a toy out of a little gift bag "I saw this when I was taking a jog and I immediately thought of little George and couldn't wait to give it to him" he said handing the toy to Emily who immediately brought it to Georges face who immediately started gurgling.

"Awe look at how chubby he is" Harry said playing with George's chubby cheeks Emily literally started pouting.

"Leave my chubby cheeks alone uncle Harry" she said in a little squeaky voice.

"Hey we're going back home you want to join us for lunch maybe seeing as little Mr Cambridge is falling asleep? " she asked Harry as she gave George to William and started fixing up his stroller.

"Emily I thought that we could have a repeat of last night maybe in the guest room or somewhere else"
Emily immediately blushed and shyly looked at the grass and Harry immediately took this as a sign of confirmation.

"No I have a date... um yeah I have to go... so... yeah..." he said literally running away from he's sister in law as he knew she would asked questions and he knew that William would try to make him uncomfortable.

" Because of that were not having a repeat of last night" she said while pushing the stroller.


"This is the last engagement we're doing for this year right? " Emily asked William.

"Of course Emily I told Granny that you need the rest of your maternity leave actually resting plus I told her that we might be planning for another baby and she agreed to you resting as soon as I said another baby" William said as he took he's wife's hand and led to her to his granny.

"Your majesty" Emily said performing a curtsy while her husband bowed his head.

"Oh Emily dear I saw news on both your tours and I must say they where both a success" the queen said to Emily which got her blushing.

"Your the one who made it possible  ma'am by lending me not one but two of your tiaras they looked lovely and I loved them thank you"

"I'm the one that stood you up so I thought maybe I could send you a little gift to apologize" 

"Shall we? " the queen asked as Camilla and Charles entered the room.

The six of them were brought out of the room and linged up to enter the room with the diplomats living in the United Kingdom and did their thing, talking with them and the importance of the collarboration between Britain and their country.

The queen was so surprised at how well Emily was doing with her not even having her maternity leave and she was doing so well and apparently Emily could communicate in six other languages.

Emily was the youngest between the six of them, most probably the youngest between all the guests there and she seemed to be leaving a good  impression as most people would try to steal a conversation with her every time she move on from the conversation to the next.

William walking a step before her was amazed at how well she was doing knowing that she was tired as they had come back three days ago and had spent the whole time with George and at night have child would keep them awake.

They were some ambasadors new at the dinner, and some of them couldn't contain the excitement at getting to meet Emily as one would say she was quite beautiful and modest but all in all she was a kind person, some of the young ambasadors really liked her because they too felt like she understood them being that she was young and wasn't raised with the privileges of the royal family so all in all she was easy to talk to and she understood them.
Plus she was quite smart so that meant that even though she didn't know anything about the topic her brain would immediately adjust and she would talk about it like she knew it.

One would say Emily had a heart of gold her personality was totally different from what they've read about she was a totally different person than the media portrayed and one should know that the media mostly portrayed lies and wanted you to see things different.

They all knew that Emily was smart her medical degrees would prove that her finishing school and university at a young age would prove that when most people heard that William was dating a doctor they had thought maybe the person was a little older not a eighteen year old doctor aspiring to become a pediatrician like she had always told William she truly was the younger female version if Spencer Reid.

When it was time to go most if the guest were sad as this would probably be the last time they saw the duchess that year and the next as they would have to wait for the next diplomatic reception if they got an invitation.

"Yes yes yes... We can finally rest no more engagements the only thing we have to do publicly is attend the Christmas service and we're done for the year" she said as they got into the car that drove them straight to Amner Hall.

"That means more restless nights with George" William said laughing.

"It also means more us time I mean George only wakes up once at night I'm sure we could get some things done before George wakes up"

"So I was thinking what if we went on holiday next year  lets say January?" William asked.

"I'd love it maybe a somewhere sunny I really like snow but I just need a little tan in my life and I don't think George would like the cold weather" she said playing with her husband's hand.

"Emily I have everything planned out plus the house might go through more renovations this d

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