"Do you remember when we had that job in London?" He asked her, she took a deep breath.

"Of course I do..." She trailed off, curious as to where he was going with his question.

"That was the best few days I've ever had." He told her. "Whenever I was... in a dark place, in Panama, I would always think back to then. It was one of the easiest jobs we've ever done."

"Sully made sure it was, you know he had been trying to play matchmaker with us from the Romanoff music box." She stated.

"Well, I'm glad it worked."

"You're glad there was a pool at the motel."

"Obviously, that's where we first..." Kissed. He had wanted to say it, but for some reason couldn't do it.

"I loved that night, every part of it. How easy it was to get that artefact from that old crone, how much time we had left over... the fact the pool was heated." Caeli started, sitting upright again with a small smile on her face.

"It wasn't my idea to go swimming." Sam reminded her, she shook her head.

"I know, that was entirely my idea." She admitted in response, and Sam was just glad to see her relatively happy again. "Besides, what else were we going to do? Get drunk off the minibar?"

"We did that after we got back from the pool..."

"Shut up, Samuel." She told him, and that brought a smile to his face too.

"We did." He replied with a shrug, shuffling in the seat again.

"I'm just disappointed that the water ruined a perfectly good pair of underwear..." She trailed off, and she wasn't wrong. The water had been so chlorinated that the white underwear she had been wearing eventually stained green. The mental image of that alone was something that had helped him through many lonely nights, not that he would tell her that.

"I'm disappointed that you thought the best way to get close to me was to dunk me under the water." He stated, trying to clear his mind of the image.

"Well, I was sick of waiting for you to make a move." She responded. "Honestly, there was months worth of built-up tension, I had to put an end to it since you apparently wouldn't."

"Have you met you? You were out of my league, there was no hope for me..."

"Out of your league? Obviously." She didn't try to correct him or make him feel better about that fact. "But there was clearly hope for you, look at where it got us."

"One thought dead for fifteen years and the other with the ability to shadow-walk," Sam responded.

"Mm, but we managed to find each other again," Caeli added, her eyes watching his face carefully. "Have you thought about all of this, as I asked you too?" She questioned, but before he could reply his phone began ringing.

"It's Nate." He explained before picking up the phone and answering any and all questions about pirates and sigils that Nate had.

Meanwhile, Caeli's mind was still stuck in the past. Her memories moving from that night in England to one in Brazil two weeks later.


"You know, if you don't shut up soon, I will cut your tongue out," Caeli whispered, annoyed by Sam and his tendency to talk without stopping.

"What? It's my talent." He replied but she shook her head in disappointment. "So now you're giving me the motherly 'disappointed head shake'?"

"And you would know about that, how?" She questioned, a sly way of saying he wouldn't know what that was like since his mother had passed away at an early age.

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