Chapter 8: The Call

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Oh wow... I had really gotten Callie drunk with the backwards Never have I Ever game. I had her over my shoulder carrying her back to the house. I kept getting weird looks. I guess Callie hadn't ever been on this side of town. If she had she hadn't been carrying me obviously. I kicked open the door and walked into the house, shutting the door behind me. I set Callie down on the couch. I turned and went into the kitchen to make fried chicken for Callie when she woke up. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller I.D. "Unknown Caller" It read. I answered it.

J=Jordan; Un=Unknown

J: Hello?

Un: Yes is this Jordan Black?

J: Yes, who is this?

Un: Its your parents fill in butler. Your parent's other butler went to see her family and your parents wanted to do the same.

J: Wait, you mean they want to come here?!

Un: Yes, is this a problem?

J: Well I have a guest staying here at the moment. I'll have to see how they feel about my parents coming home.

I hung up the phone after I said that and went to cook the chicken. As I was done Callie came in bubbly as ever and happy. VERY happy. "Jordan?" She said with a hiccup. "Yes butter cup?" I said putting her chicken on a plate. "Who was on the phone?" She said slumping up against the table. "It was uh... My parents butler." I said putting her plate next to her. "And what did they want?" She said calmly while picking up a piece of a chicken. (XD My arm just spasmed, just thought you should know) "Well, they want to come home... Which means if they do then we have to learn more about each other or we can do it where if they ask me aka you a question I can answer it and vise versa." I said sitting don and taking a bite of fried chicken. "I like the second idea better." She said eating the piece of chicken she was holding. "Okay" I said. We sat there for about 10 minutes in a comfortable silence while eating our chicken. Callie finished and went to her room. I finished and raced after her quietly. I walked into her room and she looked at me. She was laying down on her bed. "Jordan?" She asked. "Yes, butter cup?" I asked back. "Cuddles?" She asked. "Of course." I said nodding my head. I walked over to her and laid behind her. I wrapped my arms around her. She grabbed my hand and held it, our fingers interlaced. "We layed there until Callie rolled over to face me, my arms still around her. "Jordan? What are me gonna do?" She asked sadly. "About what? What do you mean?" I asked. "What happens when we switch back?" She asked. "What do you mean?" I asked again, not understanding what she meant. "Well the switch is the only thing that connects our lives together. When we switch back whats gonna happen? Are our lives just going to go back to the way they were before? Where I live with my dad and you go back to being the bad ass girl of the school?" She asked tears brimming her eyes. "No... no... no, no, no." I said holding her tighter. She began to cry into my shoulder. I sat up bringing her with me. I pulled her away and looked into her eyes. "Callie, listen to me. Our lives ran paths before we actually switched. I think it was supposed to bring us closer together. When we switch back, I will continue to be your friend. I wouldn't let you go like that. You would have to do something REALLY stupid for e to give up on you." I said hugging her tightly so she'd know that I was serious. "Thank you." I heard her whisper into my shoulder. (<----- That word is the 669th word XD I'm so immature) "Are you ready to call my parents to tell the that they can come?" I asked. She nodded her head. I got up and grabbed her hand, dragging her along with me.

J=Jordan; M/D= mom/dad

J: Hello?

M: Yes who is this?

J:Wow you don't even know your daughters number? That's sad.

M:Oh its you Jordan! How are you?

J: Save it for when you and dad come over.

M: Your letting us come over?!

J: Yep, but I have a guest who is staying over for awhile, because of "Home Problems"

M: I understand.

J: Okay, so when do you think you will be here?

M: How about tomorrow?

J: Okay, Sounds great.

M:Okay see you then!

With that my mom hung up. "So when is she coming over?" Callie asked bubbly.

"Tomorrow." I said bored. "Wow! I get to meet your parents!" Callie said happily. "Yeah... HEY You still have to eat those brownies!" I exclaimed. "Okay!" She said. I pulled the out of the microwave and I saw there were 12 brownies. She ate 8 and I ate 4.


The next chapter will be what happens when they eat the brownies!! XD Anyways. I think this story will be coming to an end soon... I know I' a horrible person, but the last two chapters will be awesome. The preview one was the 3rd to last chapter. I know it was sad but oh well it has a great ending. I WILL BE HAVING A SEQUEL!!!! Yes I know that it wont be the same as the Switch but it'll be good I promise.

                                                                  ~Bye Nerds!!!

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