Damien said goodbye to his parents and leaves the store, then he kisses Benjamin on the lips and strolls away. His parents are chatting about them, Patrick said "You're right, they do make a perfect couple" and Vanessa replied "Told you so and I'm happy for them both. And God bless their marriage as You did to us". Patrick agrees with her and the both of them continues selling legal marijuana to customers.

In the food court, Damien and Benjamin are eating honey Chipotle meatball with sweat peas and saffron, one pan Thai coconut yellow curry and rice and turkey pinwheels. While eating, Damien saw Benjamin too busy drawing his comic book, so he hold his hands and Benjamin grabs it and kisses his hands.

Damien: You're so sweet.
Benjamin: I know. Its my special move (chuckles, then continues drawing)
Damien: Benjie, can we eat together. I mean you can finish your comic book anytime soon, right?
Benjamin: Yeah, I guess you're right. What I was thinking. I bought lunch so we can eat together and now I'm foucing making this.
Damien: So, how things at your comic book store. Any sales yet?
Benjamin: A lot to be honest. I sold so many superhero comic books and horror novellas in just two hours.
Damien: Wow! I'm so happy for you.
Benjamin: And I'm also happy for you, too.
Damien: For the both of us.
Benjamin: (chuckles) Whatever you say, babe. Can I ask you something?
Damien: What?
Benjamim: I was wondering if we should get a kid?
Damien: A kid?
Benjamin: Imagine, we can be a family. Taking care of your precious little baby. Sending it to school and watch it grows.
Damien: You know what why not, right?
Benjamin: But, let's wait for it a year later.
Damien: Oh, absolutely!

After eating lunch, Benjamin and Damien kiss each other on the lips before heading back to work.
At the Los Angeles International Airport, a flight attendant named Vivian (22 years old), who is wearing a blue suit and skirt with a gold scarf around her neck and heels, is strolling her luggage along with her friends who are also flight attendant. Together, they board a plane called "California Pacific Airlines" where they greet the passengers with a positive energy and a smile as they enter the plane.

Vivian walks in front and performs the things to do and not to do while boarding the plane like fastening seatbells, exits, breathing on your mask and etc. After that, Vivian begins to stroll the food cart and giving snacks to hungry passengers. She is later assigned to deliver a plate of creamy scrambled eggs with black caviar, sausage cheese balls on a stick and an expensive wine 1947 Château Cheval Blanc to a famous actress staying in the first class section.

There, she is incredibly flabbergasted to see her friend from high school named Chrystal (22 years old) who is now a high paying actress in Hollywood. She puts the food on the white table and sits down with her, where they hug each other because they haven't seen each other since they graduate.

Vivian: Oh my God! I can't believe it's you!
Chrystal: Yeah, it's been so long.
Vivian: Yes, actually. Like... (counting with her fingers)
Chrystal: Five years to be precise. And did you know I become valedictorian in college and got my medal?
Vivian: (shocked) No, I did not know that.
Chrystal: I was so dumb in high school and then I became so perspicacious in college. Can you believe how staggering that was?
Vivian: Totally (chuckles)
Chrystal: Anyway, enough about myself. What about you, Vi? Besides rather than this beautiful flight attendant. I'm sure thats pretty obvious (drink her wine).
Vivian: Well, for starters... I'm single who travels a lot and made a lot of money.
Chrystal: Same here. I guess both of us are very rich and happy, right? Are you happy?
Vivian: Always! You?
Chrystal: Honestly, not.
Vivian: How come? You're smart, rich and famous.
Chrystal: That's the point, you have everything you always wanted but it feels like i'm missing something.
Vivian: Girl, I know what your missing.
Chrystal: What?
Vivian: Love.
Chrystal: Ooh, have you found yours yet?
Vivian: I... don't believe in love anymore.
Chrystal: Why not?
Vivian: I found someone in college and it didn't worked out pretty well.
Chrystal: How come?
Vivian: I caught him with another woman in his dormitory and so we broke up.
Chrystal: That's sad. You know, I missed having sex with random people. I was so busy filming a movie, I forgot to fuck anyone I admire on set.
Vivian: Well, if you really want to fuck someone so badly. Look around you, you're surrounded by hot guys in here and not mention... foreigners.
Chrystal: I think I know who I really admired.
Vivian: Great! Go for it, girl!

A Girl Named EcstasyWhere stories live. Discover now