Chapter 11

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The next day - Friday

At night at Zack's house, the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students are all gathered at his house after being invited to his exclusive house party. Everyone is shown dancing, smooching over at the couch, playing party games and drinking alcohol until Zack in all dressed up, comes downstairs and smiles.

Zack went to the kitchen to pour some beer in his drink until he is confronted by Joseph. He asks him "Dude, I can't believed your parents aren't here tonight. Where are they?" and he replied "Taking a vacation and they'll be back by Sunday. And now, the house is all mine". Joseph tells him that he's very lucky because his parents are very strict and won't let him throw his own house party like this.

Drake immediately came to the kitchen and tells the boys what he just saw, he shows them what's happening at the living room and there, they see Damien kissing Benjamin with hands all over his butt. Drake and the boys went to the other side and they start asking Drake about how did that happened.

Few minutes earlier, Benjamin arrives at the party and tries to socialize with the other people especially to the girls in his section or the Grade 12 girls, but they ignore him anyways. From that, he decides to continue drawing his graphic comic book until Damien sees what he's drawing, so he snatches his comic book and takes a look for himself. Benjamine struggles to get it back and said to him "Give it back, homo", offending Damien and gives it back to him.

Damien backfires him that he sees a drawing of two males characters kissing in a portion of his comic book, but he ignores him and Damien continues to annoy him by teasing him that he likes yaoi, which angers Benjamin and he stands up. Benjamin explains that he thinks making his male characters straight seems boring for him, so he decided to turn them gay or bisexual to make the story more interesting and shocking once the readers read it.

Benjamin sees Damien that he's thinking something about him and he tells him that he's not gay. Damien understands and sits with him after apologizing for teasing him earlier, then they had a normal conversation. They both share some laughter, dirty secrets and etcetera until finally they share a kiss from lips to lips. Drake caught them and ran to the kitchen.

Zack, Joseph and their two buddies are shocked that Damien have found his boyfriend and it's that big weirdo Benjamin. They take another peek at them and sees Damien with one hand around his shoulder and the other rubbing his hair while Benjamin continues drawing his comic book.
Zack hears a door bell ring, so he answers it and sees Ecstasy, who finally arrived and she also brought in her neighbor, Ashton. Ecstasy lets him recall that the two of them first met at the movie theatre last night, then Zack eventually remembers him and gives him a bro first. Zack asks them to come in and they take off their raincoats, because there was a heavy rain outside.

Ecstasy and Ashton went to the window and wave at to her father Steve and his mother Margaret who's inside his car. Margaret begins to worry and asks him "You think they'll be safe in a storm like this?" and Steve replied in no doubt "I'm sure that the storm will wear out, well, according to the weather forecast I watched earlier. And yes, they'll be fine and they're mature and responsible to handle themselves".

Steve and Margaret smile and drive away before they got stuck on traffic in a storm and they need to get back home as soon as possible.

Ecstasy are reunited with her friends - Melissa, Jeffrey, Marty, Stephanie, Benjamin (with Damien wrapped his hands around his body, kissing his neck) and Rebecca - and she hugs and kisses their cheeks of her friends while Ashton just stood there and watch her talk to her friends.

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