Dylan walks away with his friends, silently making fun of her and laughing all the way. Melissa snobs and said that she really hates that guy and he won't make this school a better place. Her friends tells her that they will be there at her side, supporting her no matter what. Melissa hugs them and head over to Cooking Class.

When they're gone, Rebecca secretly signs her name and finds ways to eliminate Dylan out of the competition, she smiles wickedly and walks away the bulletin board after giving it a kiss.

While walking to Cooking Class, Rebecca sees Dylan talking to his friends and she ignores them because she thinks they're still making fun of her. But when, Dylan started talking about his allergies to any kind of nuts, it immediately catches her attention and smiles while entering the classroom, revealing that she knows how to eliminate him.

The Culinary teacher named Mrs. Julia Picketts instructs the Grade 11 students to bake cookies and give it to someone they truly admire afterwards. So Rebecca starts making a peanut butter cookies with crushed almond nuts and cashews, then puts it over the oven and wait until it's freshly bake and maliciously scrumptious once being tasted.

Benjamin tries to get her cookie, but she smacks his hand with a spatula, she apologizes and tells him that she's saving it for somebody. Benjamin starts teasing her by asking who did she admired and she replied "Dylan from Grade 12". Benjamin gets mad that she likes the enemy, but she said "Don't worry, I added something that can stop him from bothering Melissa again", then smiles while Benjamin stares at her weirdly.

After that, Rebecca heads over to the football field and sees Dylan running in the field while wearing in orange short shorts, she confronts him and hands him a bag of cookie. Dylan is surprised and attempts to grab the bag, but Rebecca warns him to eat it at home. Dylan, in confusion, agrees and grabs the bag after thanking her, then Rebecca walks away, smiling.
The next day - Tuesday

At the Principal's office, his assistant recieves a call from the telephone with Dylan's mother on the other line, telling her that Dylan is sick and can't able to run as student body president. His assistant hangs up on the phone and the Principal finally arrives, who's is enraged that there are three names on the list, which he specifically said only two names of students.

His assistant informs him that Dylan backs out and so, Melissa will be competing against her best friend, Rebecca. The Principal is shocked that Rebecca is on the list, he only saw the names on the list and didn't even read it who is it. His assistant "With all due respect, are you afraid of Rebecca, sir?" and he scoffs and tells her to continue with her task. His assistant apologizes and resumes what she's originally doing.

His assistant crosses the name of Dylan out of the list and then printed out a poster of the official candidates for this election, which are Melissa and Rebecca with their pictures on and that also says "Meet the Candidates! Catch the Debate this Friday at the Auditorium!". She posted it on the bulletin board, so everyone can see it later.

At lunch, all the students are looking at the posters, Ecstasy and her friends (except for Rebecca) see the poster and is shocked that Rebecca signed her name behind her back, which angers her and walks to the lunchroom. Her friends are scared and so they followed her.

Melissa and her friends arrive at the cafeteria and see Rebecca eating lunch at their table, so they confront her and Melissa slaps her in the face, which shocks everyone in the room.

Rebecca: What was that about?!
Melissa: How dare you put yourself on the list behind my back?!
Rebecca: Can it be just a good and fair competition. I mean, it's not even a big deal.
Melissa: Oh please, don't patronize me! I know you for a month, I know that you're not a nice person and I know did a lot of awful things since then.
Rebecca: (scoffs) You do know me well.
Melissa: And you know that I wanted this but you signed up anyways. Why?
Rebecca: There's one thing you didn't know about me. When you have something, I must have it. For example, Ecstasy is a Hall Monitor... I must that title or maybe Beverly the Drama Queen... I must have that also. I'm sorry that's who I am.
Melissa: Fine, then. Are you guys with me?
Jeffrey: Of course!
Stephanie: Yes!
Ecstasy: Maybe.
Benjamin: No!
Marty: No!
Melissa: No? What do you mean, babe?
Marty: I'm sorry, but I'm with Rebecca's side. She's the whole reason why this school became an anti-bullying society.
Benjamin: Yeah, me too.
Stephanie: And Ecstasy, I heard you say "Maybe"?
Rebecca: Yeah, who's side your on?
Melissa: Yeah?
Ecstasy: Uh... I'm sorry Mels, but I have to choose...
Melissa: Save it. I know what you gonna say.
Ecstasy: Mels, I'm...
Melissa: Oh, don't bother. And Rebecca, I'll see you on Friday!
Rebecca: You too!

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