At Hashmore High School, the boys went to the gymnasium and change their clothes into basketball uniform at the locker room. Their basketball uniform is a sleeveless shirt colored orange with white claw marks on their number, striped shorts that similar to a tiger's fur and red matching shoes. Drake went inside and is greeted by Zack, Joseph and other teammates, giving him a bro fists and messing up his good-looking hair. He opens his locker and removes his shirt, exposing his fit body and abs until Damien slams his locker at him.

Damien: You ignored my texts last night?!
Drake: (open his locker again) Dam, I am not talking to you right now. Isn't that obvious? (puts on his basketball uniform)
Damien: (stares at his abs for a sec and looks at him) Still? I already said sorry like a hundred times.
Drake: (applies cologne to himself) Your sorry is not enough to please me. You're taking my girlfriend's side and not me, what kind of a friend are you?
Damien: I chose her side because I think that she had a point.
Drake: (closes his locker hard) How can you take her side after what she did to you before? She completely humiliated you in front of everyone in school that you are gay.
Damien: I know what she did, but she's been really nice to me pretty lately. People changed if you talk to them.
Drake: Not everyone (walks away)
Damien: (feels guilty, then open his locker and removes his shirt)

All the basketball players are gathered at the football field, Drake sees that he arrived late and went at the back, undetected by coach. The coach informs the team that the next game will be next week and they need to train even harder starting today. He asks them "Where's the captain?" and Drake raises his hand from the back, then he is called in front where the coach tells him to do his best as captain to lead this team into victory, Drake promises and agrees.

The couch pulls him forward, then whispers onto to ears "Don't you dare disappoint me. Got it?". Drake gulps and nervously nods his head, the coach grins and smack his butt as he goes to his team. The coach tells everyone to do some exercise today and blows his whistle, then everyone start doing so.

Beverly and the girls are sitting on the wooden bleachers and staring at the sweaty boys working out at the football field. Beverly has eyes on her boyfriend, feeling aroused as his sweat drips slowly onto his skin and muscles moving when he's jogging. Chrystal asks her "I thought you hated him?", then Beverly looks at her and replied "I do hate him, but I still find him hot!". Later, Vivian pulls two binoculars out from her bag and hands it to them, Beverly refuses and Chrystal grabs the other one. She asks her "Why do you have this?" and Vivian replied "My father used to be a military soldier in the army but he's retired now, and he let me borrow these".

Chrystal is surprised and said "I think your dad is cool", Vivian thanks her and they start using the binoculars to spy on the boys until Ecstasy arrives and greeted them with a smile. Beverly tells Vivian and Chrystal to leave them alone for a while and they agree. After they leave, Ecstasy is confused of what's going on and is asks to sit down by Beverly.

Beverly: I know what you did last night?
Ecstasy: You do?
Beverly: Yes. And don't you deny it because friends don't lie to each other.
Ecstasy: Alright fine, i admit it! I was the one who broke the lamp post on the street.
Beverly: Ah ha! Wait, what?
Ecstasy: I got so excited when I finally bought an album of my favorite band using my allowance. I started dancing on the street and then, I saw this lamp post and start swinging around it until it fell on the floor. I didn't know what else to do, I just have to leave it there or something!
Beverly: (annoyed) Okay, just stop talking.
Ecstasy: (inhales and exhales intensively)
Beverly: I am talking about you going on a date with my ex-boyfriend at Veggie Grill!
Ecstasy: Oh (laughs awkwardly about her situation last night). Forget what I said earlier (continues chuckling).
Beverly: Yes. Laugh all you want, you traitor!
Ecstasy: I think you misunderstood. That's not what happened last night.
Beverly: (sarcastically) Oh really? Please tell me, then.
Ecstasy: Um... (look at the skies)
(Flashback, at Veggie Grill last night)

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