Stephanie, Melissa and Jeffrey would love to tell Ecstasy and they tell her by tomorrow, she feels happy and embraces them. Ecstasy asks him "What about you, Marty?" and he replied "No thanks, I would rather skateboard in the park rather than spending my precious time working". Everyone supports his decision and went separate ways after saying goodbye to one another.
At night, at the Miller residence, Ecstasy is finishing her Math homework and gets a text message from Stephanie, she rapidly picks up her phone and sees her text that says "Good news! They are still a job opening for part-time jobs. If you interested, just come to Starbucks. Bye!". Ecstasy feels happy and spins her chair around, then receives another text messages from Melissa and Jeffrey with the same news. Ecstasy is flabbergasted that she have to choose one job among the three, she gets frustrated because she can't decide.

Hailee is walking in the hallway and sees Ecstasy lying in bed, covering her face with a pillow and screaming at loud. Hailee came inside and asks her "Hey sis, is there something wrong?" and Ecstasy tells her "My friends offered me three jobs and I cannot decided what should I choose". Hailee can't help her, but she advises her that she have to choose what she really likes and trust your gut. Ecstasy thanks her for that advice and hugs each other.

Hailee left the room and Ecstasy is staring at her phone, which friends she is going to respond and becomes more frustrated about it. Ecstasy closes her eyes and listen to her gut until she finally decided, she opens her eyes and grabs her phone, and texted Stephanie "Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow". Ecstasy also texted Melissa and Jeffery that she'll think about it and went to bed after turning off her phone.
The next day - Saturday

Ecstasy left the house and went to Starbucks, she came inside and sees Stephanie sweeping the floor with a broom. She approaches Stephanie and greets her a "good morning", Stephanie hugs her and tells her how thrill she is to be working together for six months. Ecstasy also tells her that Melissa and Jeffery also offered her a part time job last night, but she chooses here, Stephanie understands her and brings her to the Manager's office for the interview.

After a splendid interview, Ecstasy signs a part-time contract and shake hands with the Manager. He said to her that her hands are little sweaty, but he understands that people can nervous all the time and she replied that she used hand sanitizer to clean the germs and bacterias in her hands. He awkwardly realizes and tasks Stephanie to help her out today, Stephanie agrees and brings her outside.

The store is filled by customers and the baristas needs Stephanie in the counter, she wears her apron and went to the counter. Ecstasy grabs her arm and asks "What am I supposed to do?" and Stephanie tells her "Just sweep the floor for now, can you do that today?", Ecstasy agrees and picks up the broom, begins sweeping the dust on the floor for hours. While sweeping, Ecstasy sees how Stephanie working in the counter and having fun laughing at the misspelled names the other baristas wrote.

After that, Ecstasy sits on the table, looking so extremely exhausted and Stephanie came to the table and sits beside her. Ecstasy complains why she cannot work at the counter and Stephanie explains that she will work in the counter days from now. Ecstasy is pissed and crossed her arms, Stephanie apologizes to her and tells her "Why don't you clean the tables, how's that sounds?", she agrees and smiles.

More customers came inside the store and begins ordering, Ecstasy is cleaning the table until she sees a pigeon resting comfortable on the table. She doesn't know what to do and couldn't asks help from Stephanie or other employees because they are busy, so she gently picks the pigeon and brings it outside. She went back in cleaning the table and then sees the same pigeon again, she becomes annoyed and spray it instead. The pigeon attacks her and Ecstasy starts bumping to tables, spilling a drink on the floor, she slips and fall on the ground.

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