The Physical Education teacher named Mr. Jim Hayes blows the whistle and announces today's activity, a game of dodgeball. Some people are complaining because they always lose all the time and some people are excited because they always win all the time. Coach Jim nominates Vivian as the leader for the yellow team, then switches Drake and makes him the leader of the blue team.

Before the game starts, Beverly (yellow) who is at the right side of the court, went to the net and tells Ecstasy (blue) who is at the left side of the court "If I win, you come to the dinner party". Then, Ecstasy also tells her "If I win, I won't come". The girls made the deal and shake their hands, then Mr. Jim Hayes blows the whistle and the game commences.

Both the yellow and blue teams race to grab the ball, Ecstasy and Drake are fast and grabs the ball and throw it into the yellow team, two players got hit: Melissa in the shoulder and Joseph in his crotch. Vivian, Zack and Beverly grab the ball and throw it into the blue team, three players got hit: Jeffrey in the face and falls on the ground, Benjamin in the chest and a student. Ecstasy sees Stephanie getting hit in the face by Chrystal, so she throws a ball into her butt, she screams and falls on the floor.

In the epic showdown where Zack, Damien, Drake, Marty and several players are been eliminated in the game, leaving Ecstasy facing Beverly and Vivian alone. Beverly throws a ball first at Ecstasy but she quickly dodges it, she does a handspring and hits Beverly in the right leg. Ecstasy cheers until she got hit in the back by Vivian, she yells "You lose!" and laughs. Mr. Jim Hayes blows the whistle and the game is over, the yellow team celebrates Vivian's victory and the blue team is feeling disappointed for their lose.

While lying on the floor, Ecstasy is feeling disappointed on herself and Beverly approaches her, Ecstasy said that she'll come to the dinner party and Beverly smiles and tells her that she have a foolproof plan. Ecstasy and Beverly went to the locker room to change their clothes and talking with each other at the same time

Ecstasy: Okay, what's the plan?
Beverly: The plan is you come to the party and let's pretend to be friends, so that our fathers won't know about it.
Ecstasy: I like the sound of that.
Beverly: It's just for tonight and on next monday, everything will go back the they were.
Ecstasy: Wait a second, when you mean by pretending to be friends that means we have to be friends in order to convince them.
Beverly: Oh, I know what you're thinking. Yes, we have to do that and it's not like we have another options. You have better one?
Ecstasy: No.
Beverly: Then let just do it whether we like it or not. I'll see you tonight.
Ecstasy: Yeah.
At night, Steve is impatiently waiting for her daughters to finish dressing up because they are going to be late and they said that they are ready. Ecstasy, Hailee and Chelsea step out of their rooms and slowly walks down the stairs, wearing on those sparkling formal dresses and Steve is shocked to see how beautiful they are. Steve tells everyone to do their best behavior and of course some manners, then they left the house and see a blue limousine. The same driver talking to Beverly earlier, tells them that the Hills family wants him to escort them to their house.

Steve and his daughters agree and ride in a blue limousine, and travels to their house.

The limousine arrives to their house and the black gate mysterious opens by itself, Steve and his daughters see a foundation in the middle of the drive way and also see the Hills family standing outside of the mansion. Steve and his daughters step out of the limousine after thanking the driver, he shakes hands with Vincent and hugs Maria. He introduces his daughter Ecstasy, Chelsea and Hailee to them and they also introduces their daughter Beverly, who is holding her shih ztu puppy named "Biscuit" and her cousin Sheila Hills (7 years old) to them.

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