Ecstasy and her new friends are laughing until the Math teacher arrives in the classroom and all the students went back to their seats. She first tells the students to take Grade 11 more seriously than last year because the school's system has been changed by the Principal. She introduces herself to the newcomers as Ms. Allison Williams, then tells them that she's very good in solving math equations and she's also a Volleyball coach.

The teacher asks the newcomera to introduce themselves in front of the class, which causes Ecstasy to get nervous and feels uncomfortable speaking in front of everyone. She is comforted by her friends and it gives her the confidence, so she gets up and successfully introduces herself despite seeing people talking about her. Later, she went back to the seat and Ms. Williams begins the class by teaching them algebra.

The teacher hears the school bells and dismisses the students before telling them that they're will be a math quiz on their next meeting, which is on Friday. When everyone is out, Ecstasy approaches the teacher and ask her that she wants to join the volleyball team, Allison feels happy and lets her sign her name on a paper that says "Volleyball participants". Ms. Williams thanks her for joining and Ecstasy leaves.
The students went to their second subject, which is English Class located in the library and are shocked how big the library it is, revealing a two story with thousands of books, alphabetized and organized by their respective order and, stored in a bookshelf. They also see twenty tables with six seats each, but no teacher until they see a librarian sitting on her table. One of the students asks her "Excuse me, ma'am... our schedule says that our English Class will be held here and I don't see any teacher around here", the librarian tells everyone "Don't worry, your teacher is here, just find your seat".

As everyone are seated, the librarian stands up from her chair and introduces herself to the students as as Ms. Sandy Hook and she is the school's librarian and their new English teacher. She informs them that she won't have a class for today, but instructs them to find a book they like and read it because they are going share the book they've read tomorrow. All the students leave their seats and went to find books. Ecstasy leaves the table with her friends but looks back where she see Ms. Hook doing some paperwork on her desk, then Ecstasy goes with them.

After finding the book they desire, Marty finds a book about his interest in skateboarding and Stephanie finds a book about her interest in hotel management, they returns to their table and reads it. Ecstasy is having a hard time finding what books she loves until she meets the handsome football player and the same guy who teased Marty earlier, he introduces himself as Drake (17 years old) and she snobs at him.

Drake: Oh, I see, you're one of those girls. I get it.
Ecstasy: One of who?
Drake: You know... the "bad girl" type and I dig that. I used to date bad girls last summer.
Ecstasy: For you information, I'm not bad. You are (walks away, disgusted)
Drake: (smiles and approaches her, placing his arm around her while walking downstairs) How am I bad? We never met before, did we?
Ecstasy: (removes his arm) I saw you and your friends laughing at a guy who got hit in the pole earlier this morning.
Drake: Oh, that one. Yeah, but you got to admit that it was really funny. Come on, not even a little bit.
Ecstasy: Whatever.
Drake: You know, I didn't catch your name.
Ecstasy: I'm Ecstasy.
Drake: Ecstasy, like the drug?
Ecstasy: No, like the synonymous word for "happy".

Drake smiles at her and said to himself "Not bad" until he is surprised by his blonde-haired rich girlfriend named Beverly Hills (16 years old), who startled him from the back. Beverly hugs him and kisses his cheeks, telling him that she found the book he likes. Drake is very happy, he thanks her and went back to their table.

A Girl Named EcstasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora