"I don't know now, maybe."

"Do you want me to set up a meeting?" You were about to speak when Sanity came out of you.

"Let Savage go. If she doesn't want to tell don't even bother her."

"Sanity." you whispered hoping she would stop. "

Child, you must tell them soon." You look up to your boss who was already standing as he continue to clean up the dishes. Sanity went back to her human form as you two went out the kitchen only to be pulled away and sit on the living room floor.

"Really Savage, you were pulled for that so easily?" you just shrug your shoulder innocently.

"Sanity, wanna join us?" Jane ask.

"No, I'm just going to look after Savage."

"Your acting like your my body guard."

"Cause I am your bodyguard."

"When did you and I agree to that?"

"Just now."

"Ok you two stop talking." You two went quiet and you sited down on the floor.

"What are we playing?" you ask looking at the bottle on the center of the big circle.

"Were playing spin the bottle." Sally said happily.

"Even Rake joined?" You whispered the last one.

"Have a problem with that?" You look at him with a 'No' face.

"No-o. I was just- 'cause you look like a type of person who didn't like society being around you."

"The truth to be told, they just force me to do this shit game." You nod and look at the bottle. As it spin it pointed at Puppeteer and Candy Pop. Candy Pop is the one who will answer if it is truth or dare. While Puppeteer is the one to ask him a dare or a question.

"Dare." He answered. Puppeteer think of a great dare when his eyes landed on LJ who is eating his candy. Puppeteer whispered the dare to Candy Pop. They both laugh and shake hands. Candy Pop took off while pulling LJ out of the room.

"What's the dare?" you ask.

"The Dare was to make him make LJ wear his outfit."

"Candy Pop will make LJ wear his clothes. That will not be good." Ben said.

"Aren't that dare kinda sound that you dared LJ than Candy Pop?" you ask confuse. From what looks at it, you won't able to understand the game.

They waited when Candy Pop burst out and went back to his sit.

"That's the best Dare I ever had. I even took a picture." Everyone started to gather around the picture and started laughing. LJ came back with an angry face and went back to his seat glaring at Puppeteer and Candy Pop.

"You guys are so f**king dead, morons." LJ said enraged with growling. The bottle spin again and it landed on Savage who you will answering if truth or dare as the person to ask or do is Rake.

"Dare." You said. Rake smiled and said...

"I dare you to have a battle with me, today at this time. Rules.. no one is helping no one." you sigh and headed off your room getting your weapon. Going back at the living room where Rake was waiting restless.

"Game on."

"Wait. Before anything else. Savage, when the souls was out of your body you will be a human but when they are you are a half cat?" Ben ask.

"It is the other way around." you said and the sous went out turning you into a human being. You smiled and headed out with Rake where you all went training last time.
"I admit it. You are stronger than me." Rake said and hand his hand to you. You shake it and smiled. You where holding onto your mask and move your hair to the left side of your face.

"I have fun with you Rake. What do this again sometime?"

"Anytime, but I warned you I will not go easy on you next time." You smiled as you all headed back inside.

"I know you won't... I'm going to the bathroom for a second." you said before walking towards a small clinic near the basement where Dr. Smiley was inside.

"Savage, what's up?"

"Can you..-" you ask shakily. He look at you waiting for your respond. You sigh and move your hair from your left side of your face showing a large gash of wound. As if it was scratch by a giant cat. Their were two large gash on your left face from the bottom of your left ear to a 2 inches away from your mouth.

"What happened?!" he ask and quickly make you sit down as he get a rubbing alcohol, bandage, cotton balls, and a needle and thread.

"It was a dare. I have no choice."

"And the dare was...?"

"A battle with Rake. It was no biggie, it was just a one round battle."

"You acted as if everything is fine. You do know what kind of creature the rake is."

"A humanoid creature. It looks like a thin dog but with a body of the skinless human."

"But what do you know about his strength?"

"He is powerful and fast. He can break any bones from your body in instance."

"The scratch of his is not just a normal scratch. Just looking to this wound he gave you, it can make you dead from blood lost. Shockingly you didn't bleed."

"Oww! That hurts.." you said as he stitch up the two claw marks. "Personally.. the truth may not always be told, unlike Rake said earlier, I don't wanna tell you."

"How so?"

"It's a secret." he sigh and stitch up the other one. "Doc, may I ask a question?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do everyone here likes me?"

"I'm very sure."

"Then why would Rake.."

"He do that to new comers. Your still training, you have a lot to go before you go 100 percent you can end a battle without being wounded this big. Like your soft, smooth, beautiful face."

"Excuse me?"

"I mean.. don't do it ever again."

"I won't." you smiled and thank him after. Giving him a quick hug before heading back to the living room where everything was already a mess. Leaving Dr. Smiley in his office he felt warm from the short hug but wishes that it last longer.

Edit Date: April 9, 2020

"Savage" Creepypasta x Powerful readerWhere stories live. Discover now