It took him a minute but he soon recognized the girl to be the long lost Thea Veen-Raeken.

She stayed with the Dunbars and McCalls for months since then. At first, she refused to tell them why she came or where her mother had gone. They found out one night when Liam overheard Thea talking with his daughter, Brittany.

"She's gone." Her voice was weak and shaky, terrified. Just like it was four years ago. "My mother's dead, and it's all because of me."

Thea told Brittany of how her mother was killed, how Thea had ran, and found her way here. Liam took the lost girl in as one of his own, housing her, keeping her fed and cared for.

Thea didn't see his efforts. She kept to herself, always locked away in her room, only talking to Brittany or their friend Noah Stilinski, Stiles and Lydia Stilinski's oldest child. Liam tried to reach out to the girl, to connect with her, but she had her walls up high. Only letting them down in the late of night, when she'd think that he was asleep when really he was lying awake, hearing his goddaughter cry for her mother and father.

His heart broke with each sob that shook her tiny frame. He didn't know what to do. Thea refused to talk to him; she was always sarcastic and ill-tempered. She always got into some kind of trouble; she would pick fights or deliberately destroy anything when angry. She was wild, and she lived for it. But underneath all that, he still saw that small 13 year old girl who lost her parents.

He knew what she was doing, he knew that she was trying to run away. That much was apparent the first few months she was there. But she's gotten better; she was smiling a little more, laughing a little brighter. Thea seemed happy, happier than she'd been in a long time.

It was a slow process, but it was worth the wait.

Every morning, he'd get up early to cook his two daughters a grand meal. Being a single father of two teenage girls was tough, but he wanted to make sure his girls were happy.

"Hey, Dad." Liam turned away from the stove to see his daughter walk down the stairs. He walked over to her side and kissed the top of her head as he took her in his arms.

"Morning, Britt." He handed her a plate of food. "Here you go; one sunny side up, three strips of bacon, two pieces of toast, and a stack of pancakes."

He looked back toward the stairs with a sigh.

"I'm guessing Thea is still asleep."

The blonde girl nodded, already devouring the food laid out in front of her.

Liam just chuckled at her before moving up the stairs, toward Thea's bedroom. He knocked, calling out her name, telling her that breakfast was ready.

No response, as usual.

Out of habit, he opened the door with a soft smile on his face as he prepared to somehow coax the girl out of bed. Though, he stopped in his tracks at the sight of the man at her bedside. Liam shifted, ready to tear the man to shreds.

The man just smiled and reached for the sleeping girl's hand.

Liam went to attack but found that he couldn't. He couldn't move, it was like he was trapped in his own body as he watched the man lay his hand on his daughter's. In the corner of his eye, behind the man, he saw a glimmer of a gold light. The light grew dimmer with each passing second. The man took Thea's hand in his, causing the girl to slowly wake, thinking it to be her godfather only to see another man; her godfather was at the doorway, half-shifted, just watching.

Her eyes flashed a bright color. Before she could do or think anything, the man's other hand rose toward the dying stream of light and touched it. With that, the two vanished and the golden light disappeared. Liam regained control of his body and fell to his knees. The last image of his goddaughter being one of fear and uncertainty. He remembered seeing red.


Thea woke up on the side of the road with a police officer standing over her. The officer helped her up and asked if she was okay, if she needed any help.

"Where," her eyes surveyed her surroundings, finding the place unfamiliar, "where am I?"



I hope you guys like this story so far! And yes, there is a slight Teen Wolf crossover.

Please comment if you liked it or if I made any mistakes.

Thanks! xxx

published: Saturday, 21 Dec 2019
edited: ——

| @kjanedoe12 |

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