Poem 16

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The vow!

Lotus dearest,
I stand in front of you, to read my vows
The vows that I wrote on that midnight
Of the first day my eyes set their sights onto you.
I promise my vows, to your heart
Which I hope it'll hold dearly
For, they are going to turn into reality.

For better or for worse
I've been the worse for life, but since I got you
You became my better, you made me better.
I'm fully promising to be the favour
To become your better, I'm promising to be your silver lining.
See, I know I'm no better, but I know with me around
Your worst conditions will be my better, they will be made better in my heart.
For I know our hearts won't change, their condition will always be the same.
It'll always be loving each other better.

For rich for poor
You found me poor but ever since you came, I became rich
The love we shared was more expensive than all Solomons' fortunes.
So here, infront of your heart
I promise to be with you, whether rich or poor.
For, since we survived without knowing each other
How about now that we have each others' backs for eternity.
I know, these riches will come and go
And in times where they'll come, my love for you will be strong
And in times where they'll go, my love for you will be strongest.
I say this because I know,
My heart doesn't care for richness or poverty
My love for you, surpasses richness and poverty.

In sickness and health
Lotus, my lotus flower!
The only flower that dies despite living, and lives despite dying
With our care we've survived all diseases there is,
We've become immune physically and emotionally.
And I promise you, with my health being my witness
I'll be with you when sick, for your heart calls me most in those times.
And, I'll be with you when healthy, for we enjoy our love most in those times.
With my heart still beating, I'll give my all to you
My blood, air and heart.
With my love for you, sickness and health will be the foundation for a greater love.

Till death do us part
In my last vow I wrote that midnight,
I wrote death off my life, off our lives.
For I know the breathing can stop,
The heart beating can stop,
But our love can't stop.
And here I promise you, that even if I die,
I'll still love you as ever.
-Because I know
My love for you is greater than death.
And it's going to last forever.

Those are my vows to you.
Right now, they are getting off my heart.
I hope, they'll be scribbled down on yours
With each vow, filling the center of your heart firmly.
Because its where they are going to live homely,
From today, till infinity.

I love you.

Ethan dear,
I am so glad that I can stand here and say out these words to you.
I wrote this piece when I was barely seventeen,
To the man who will marry me someday,
And I am happy that on this day, my words have found life and a home in your heart.

for better or for worse
today i stand here and pledge my loyalty to you that was birthed from a love between me and you
in tough times and in smooth seas i will stick with you
I promise to be the candle to light you up on times when all hope is gone
in dark days and sunny times I'll be that hand you will hold onto
because i love you

For rich or for poor
Words cannot describe how concrete i will be there in tough times,
But my love for you is strong enough to prove it
I will be there when tommorrow's gold is too cheap for the Romans,
And I will be there when silver has lost its value next to gold,
Because I got all I need as long as you are with me.
We can conquer the world together because each other is all we need,
And your love is that daily bread that only my soul eats.

In sickness and in health
You are my candlelight in darkness,
An echo of my hallelujah straight from my heart
Sickness is not a huge barrier and cannot be a reason for me to walk away from you
I will nurse you through whatever illness comes our way,
With the same kind of love that I show you today,
And in a flood of physical weakness,
I will strengthen you with a cup of my love each dawn.
And on days when you are Hercules,
Loving each other is all we will do.

Till death do us apart
I am going to love you like death is a gateway to the next life,
Each minute and second being worth it
Wherever we go, whatever we do, we will not waste anytime
Because loving each other is what we will always do.
And even in death, I will love you with every cracked bone in my heart trying to beat
Because our love story is ours and not the titanic,
Neither is it that of Romeo and Juliet
I love you today, now and forever
And in tommorrow's future and everything in it.

Lady Tracy and

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