Poem 4

49 3 3

She,she, she danced in ignorance
Swayed her hips to the sounds of the earth
She had intercourse with many,
Her star shinning less brightly each passing day

He, he drank from the cup of traps
His brain paralysed- violence he knew all too well, obscene language became his ethnicity
Drunkards- his kinsmen
A world less bright with his star gone dim each passing day.

They, they spoke ill of shinning stars,
Not knowing their fate,
They laughed, scorned and persecuted them
If only they knew, if only they were not so ignorant!

Eternal help came, few were saved
Many were called,goodnews reached to all
I cry, I weep but they turned their backs
Now we watch, they burn
We break, they wish
If only they had listened
If only!!

Lady Tracy💕

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