Poem 15

13 2 0


Seated on the staircase staring at mom and dad dance to Ed Sheeran's perfect without a care in the world
Echoes of mom's laughter penetrated through my ears with so much warmth and admiration

Twenty seven years down the road
I am staring at my seven year old daughter and her father dancing to Steven Curtis' Cinderella
Without a care in the world
Tears rolled down my cheeks one after the other
They were tears of remorse, failure,disappointment
I had failed my parents and certainly my daughter
For the Monday tomorrow, we would sign the divorce papers
Pride had eaten away our humanity and ruined us
It had burned down my daughter's beautiful dreams of a perfect family to ashes

We were too selfish to stop and consider her feelings and interests
And by the time we realized,it was too late
Too late to start over
We had fallen apart inside and had fallen in love with the outside

Lady Tracy

Twenty two pieces of meWhere stories live. Discover now