Poem 14

13 2 0

*A lady so used to solitude*

To say i miss you is like a punch through my throat,
It is so light in words yet so easily said
But it highlights all the a thousand words i did  say to you to mean it.
I just miss what we would have turned out,
For a moment you were my Romeo and i was willing to live that classic as your juliet
And maybe me and you would have become real
Because I let go just when we were starting to feel so real.

You were my out of reality come true
Until you smiled with reality into my face
You made me cry, for a many seasons
So full of disappointment
For I, a lady so used to solitude had for once grown to love someone
I had my little cloud of expectations
And well, you had your plans
And I got so color blinded by the rainbow on the surface of your eyes that I didn't recognize the mud in your hands
And when you stained my garment of innocence and walked away unapologetic,
Hatred and vengence has become a part of me.

Because of what I saw in you and what you showed me,
Well i do not believe in fairy tales anymore
Today i have penned down all I ever felt and I am ready to move on
Not with someone new
But I am teaching myself to fall in love with parts of me that you stained and I failed to wash off.

Lady Tracy

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